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(Here yall go damn, a chapter of pure sex, I did a cliffhanger for a reason! )

(Happy valentines day or whatever, Enjoy! <3~)





2:35 𝘼𝙈





I come home from killing one of most annoying niggas to ever live and I'm greeted with the most delightful surprise. I knew we were gon' have sex but ian' expect all this. The whole room is decorated and shit and Mink is just laying on our bed looking delicious. That chicken must be somewhere else because I haven't heard a squawk yet.

Mink is laying on our bed with the most gorgeous lingerie and she is smiling at me, a small blush tinting her cheeks. Her baby bump is out but it just turned me on even more. We stare at each other for a minute before she finally greets me.

"Hi Yonnie.."

I look her up and down and I immediately discard all my belongings and rush over to the bed. Our lips connect instantly, and she starts giving me this nasty ass kiss, we on that type' timing now? Ian' complainin'.

I get on top of her and we immediately fall into a rhythm of taking our clothes off, our lips never separating. I keep my sports bra on as she gets on top of me.

She looks down at me and gives me a look. We look at each other, a silent debate going on between us that nobody else can understand. I eventually sigh and take it off. Onika smiles and immediately goes to work.

I moan out as my breasts have never received such intense attention. She rolls her slick tongue around my mounds as she starts grinding her bottom against my groin. I'm so hard, and she can feel it too, my dick is pulsating and she can feel it. She suddenly gets off of me and goes into he drawer next to her nightstand. I whimper at the loss of contact but my eyes widen when she brings out the contents: lube and a butt plug.

Shit, I know this is going to be a long ass night.




Beyoncé stares at me when I pull out the contents of one of the drawers in my nightstand, her eyes widening. She bites her lip slightly in anticipation. I'm so wet right now and I look at her penis, it has to be a foot and then some, its swelled up, red at the tip and has a slight curve to it.

Beyoncé has a strained look on her face waiting for my next move. I slowly scale the expanse of her chest and lean down to whisper in her ear, licking her earlobe while doing so.

"Baby, spread your legs wide for me.."

"Spread my legs? ma watchu'-" I give her a look and she bites her lip.


She finally spreads her legs and I scale back down her, body, face to face with a pair of big brown balls that are darker then the rest of her big dick. I slowly suck on one, causing Beyoncé to shutter and moan. Sucking on it like a lollipop, I spread some of the lube on my fingers and slowly insert one of them into her tight asshole. She curses and lets out a strangled moan.

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