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(i wanted to speed things up a little so yall might get 3 chapters today. it's a friday so i got time chile)



𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 1𝙎𝙏 2021

12:50 AM




Iv'e been waiting for this moment for the longest. Ever since that day he tried me. this has been his fate. This was my endgame. his journey ends here. I stared at him tied up in the chair. I looked around. When i first got in the apartment all i saw was bags of cocaine and rats crawling around on the floor.

bum ass nigga.

I was instantly overcome with anger. all this shit but he couldn't even pay me back. even though I was still angry about him betraying, i knew where his road was winding. When mysterious amounts of supplies started siaapearing from inventory, i knew his ass has something to do with it. I couldn't believe this bitch.

I took him in when he wasn't shit and he had nothing. he was on rock when i first met him, saw him at a homeless shelter when i was pulled into going to one of those fuck-ass charity events solange always pulls me to. I saw how down he was and i approached him about working for me. I helped him get clean and for a good 5 years we were cool. he was doing his best work.

I remember one day he came into my office acting strange, asking where was the supplies, scratching on his neck and shit. I noticed his lips were chapped and white. I shouldv'e known then but It was a cold winter day so i just let him go. few months later all types of drugs started coming up missing. One day i caught him doing a line in one of the private rooms at a strip club we went to one night. I had suspected it for a while, one of the informants had tipped me off that he was the one smuggling shit from the warehouse.

to say I was dissapointed was un understatment, but I know he couldn't work for me anymore. I kicked his ass out then and there, and I told him i expected all the money for the supplies and shit he stole. He said he would do it.

It was only about 200k then.

He had some money on him and he was living good. i payed all my workers enough to live very comfortably so i didn't see a problem with him paying me. It was an exchange. he had all that crack and i got the money for him. any ounce of respect i had for him was gone, at that point he was just another client. I had my men bring him outside and they "jumped" him out of the buissness.

That was the last time I'd ever let a nigga take my kindness for weakness.

The day of the collection i couldn't find that nigga anywhere. That's when i knew he had bounced with my money. I was about to let it go until i found out through an informant that he had still been making purchases. I decided to let it simmer for a few years until I could get my ultimate revenge.

his balance was 600k now. and best believe i was goinna get that shit. one way or another.

he was doing good but then he decided to get sloopy. my spies had caught up to him and we started stalking his every move. This is how we got into his apartment without being noticed. The funny shit was we been here the whole time. this nigga was so dazed that he didn't even notice me standing in the corner of the room.

at this point i accepted that i wasn't gonna get my money. That didn't matter to me now. all iwanted now was his head.

I smiled.

The day has finally come.


I looked him up and down, sizing him. he was still struggling to get out of the chair. I rolled my eyes. he was getting annoying and i hadn't even done shit yet.

"Nigga you can't do shit! so so stop, damn!" I went over and punched him in the face. The adrenaline that coursed through my body just gave me a energy boost. I needed to do that shit again. I kicked the chair over and continued to stomp on him.

I didn't stop until i started to see blood.

"BK chill, don't you wanna hear this nigga say something fore' we kill him?" Safaree pipped up. I thought about it. I wanted to see what bullshit excuse he had. I slowly let up my foot from his head. i bent down to his height and i started into his eyes.

All i saw was fear and regret. heh, too late now. after relishing in all the feelings i had at the moment i decided to speak.

"any last words nigga?"

"fuck you! i hope you burn in hell with that dead baby-" I kicked him in his head again.

nobody would ever mention that baby and her mother. I started with my execution. I wanted it to be slow and painful. I sharpened my knife and stabbed it right into his addams apple. he let out a strangled scream. a sinister smile appeared on my face.

I got a power drill and i thrusted it into his legs, making holes and watching them bleed out. I told one of my boys to pour salt in his wounds. he was in so much pain he couldn't even scream anymore. i bought a bowl full of honey and smeared it on his face and hands.

"take the bees out of the cage.."

they carefully took them out and the bees swarmed over meek and started stinging him. I was so thrilled. i was enjoying every part of his death. he started screaming and flailing around.

oh, i guess he still had some left in him..

through my manical laughter i call could feel was complete joy.
I turned around and looked at everybody. They looked scared and some of them were shaking. That low key killed my mood.
"Fuck is y'all shaking for??" I screamed at them.

They tightened up immediately. I didn't see what the problem was. They should be used to this shit.

I been doing this shit for years and they have been too. Im the ruler of this shit. nobody can't tie me down, and I don't listen to or answer to nobody.

Its gon stay like that too.

I turned to my men and gave them the next signal. bitch nigga was still laying on the floor. I cocked my head at them.

"Kill dat nigga."
They nodded. I waited in anticipation. This was what I'd been waiting for. I wanted to watch the life drain out of his eyes. I want him to slowly realize that he was gonna die, and when he does, I want my face to be the last thing he sees.

"Everything's ready boss." I nodded.
"go head'."
they revved the chainsaw up and gave it to me, I aimed it, ready to position it at his neck.
Just as I was about to start the final phase of meek's execution...

The door swung open.

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Nika is coming next chapter. Get ready for some chaos😩!




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