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Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!







3:15 𝙋𝙈


I was staring at Nika with a smile as she was feeding Ciel. He was about a month and a half now I think. It had been hell for me, but I know his ass is happy. No pussy was starting to make me physically sick. I been having withdrawals. Scratching on walls and shit. It just wasn't right mane.

"Aww! look at Big Bad BK watching her little family!" Drake teased me. I shot a look at him. I know this nigga out of all people was not talking to me.

"Shut the fuck up BBL."

Yeah, we saw them TikTok edits.

He looked at me confused and everyone else started laughing, even Mink cracked a little smile, she was trying not to laugh. This nigga was so gay it ain' make no sense, I forgot how much he gets on my nerves. he lucky we friends or I would've been shot his ass. But we sold together, so we stuck together, it was just our code.

Unless they wanted to cross me on some dumb shit, like all the others. I put my hands in my pockets. Walking across to where Mink was, I kissed her forehead and picked up Ciel. I scrunched up my face at the way he was dressed. This was nothing but Mink.

"Baby you gotta stop dressing this nigga up like an animal. Is' too hot for all this shit anyway." She smacked her lips. "Leave me alone! Sky looks adorable!"

 "Leave me alone! Sky looks adorable!"

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She said, calling him the nickname I had set out for him. She told me his name meant Sky, so I started calling him that. We had to stop going on the rides so she could feed him. He was starting to cry and all that shit.

I signaled for her to give him to me and she did with no problem. I looked into his eyes as he babbled to me, starting to calm down and fall asleep on my chest slightly. Mink usually did the bouncing and shit, so I was surprised when I instinctively started rocking him on my own. She watched me with a light grin.

"Awwww." Solange cooed and I glared at her. Get yo' own son.

"Girl why the fuck you looking like that?" She bucked at me.

"Shut up." She scoffed.

"Yeah, I'm glad you had your little moment, with that ugly ass outfit." I frowned.

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