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(here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!)

(𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙞 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙄𝙎𝙀!)








4:52 𝘼𝙈


I was feeling sad.

When we drove home that night, Beyonce just got out of the car and didn't say a word to me. She just got out and stormed into the room. I could tell she was very shaken up, and when I went to open the door to our room, the door was locked. I could hear sniffles on the other side of the door and I sighed.

I just decided to go into the guest room and wait things out in here until Beyoncé was feeling a little better. I looked around the guest room and sighed. Going up tot the window, I looked out into the beautiful cityscape. I hadn't been here in so long, and It emended be of when I was first brought here.

So much had happened since then, and I can't help but fear that were back at square one. I love Bey, and I just want to talk to her. I would never break up with her, but I know that she needs some time to feel better, I just wish I could help her. I knew she was upset in that mall when I saw her eyes change color.

I knew there would be some conflict, but I didn't know it would be to this extent. I knew I had to give her some space, and I'd be here when she was ready to talk about things. I turned my head to see Chocolate asleep inside his cage, I brought him with me, seeing that him and Bey don't really have the best relationship.

I settled on the bed, and I covered myself in the comfortable sheets. Laying there with my hands crossed above me stomach, I couldn't help but think about what happened to Kelly, Lara, and Robyn. I know they died. When I thought about Lara, I couldn't help but feel nothing. It's ironic because she was the only friend I'd had for years, and for her to just up and leave me like nothing is what hurt me the most.

It was crazy that I considered her as a friend, only to find out she was never my friend at all. I wonder what the correlation between her and Kelly was? She had never told me much about her family, and It was a shock for me to see them all together. I didn't feel anything about Robyn's death because I knew that she betrayed Beyoncé.

This is the thing I can't help but feel upset about. I know so little about the woman that I love, while she almost knows my life story. Was she ever going to tell me anything, or was I going to be in the dark for the rest of my life? I felt some kicking from Ciel, though the kicking was annoying at it hurt me, I felt like he was trying to comfort me in a way.

I had a phone, and I thought about Calling Lauren, or even Carl to talk, but I know she was at home taking care of her sons, and that she was too busy to be thinking about me right now. maybe when she comes in the morning, I can talk to her about this. She always has the best advice.

Deciding to try to distract myself, I turned on The Golden Girls. It was always funny to see them arguing with each other. After about an hour of watching them, I turned on a few episodes of Hunter Hunter, It was an anime that I needed to catch up on. I wondered how much the Cable bill is in this place, they have every single channel known to man. I was watching it and a shower scene came on. I felt myself get horny and I sighed.

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