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"Bae..." I was whining as I tugged on Mink's feet. I had woken up before her, and she was sleeping on the bed while I was in front of it. She looked so pretty asleep, but I was hungry as hell, and I wanted some cereal. After some more pushing and shoving, she finally woke up and looked around the room before staring up at me.

Her face softened and she gestured for me to come to her. She knew I aint take my medicine. Crawling up and laying my head gently on our daughter, I sighed and peered up at her guiltily. She reached out and was rubbing on my cheek to comfort me.

"What's wrong?" I decided to just go ahead and tell her.

"My Mom called." She looked at me concerned and her eyes furrowed.

"Why didn't you tell me, baby?"

In all honestly, I just isn't wanting to bring it up. the shit ruined how I was feeling, and I wanted to take my mind off it. It was weird to me how as soon as I became happy with my family, she wants to show up and shake shit up again. Solange barely spoke to her as it was.

The bitch ain't 'een make it to the wedding, what made her think she'd make it to my doorstep?

"I just wasn't feeling good about it." She nodded in understanding. "What're you going to do about it?" I knew she was curious, and she had the right to be. the answer was simple, though.

"Fuck her." I snickered at my own reply. She never did anything for me except chose her man over her children. I had nothing for her. Our bond used to be so tight, but when she called the police on me for defending her, that shit went straight to hell.

"That quick?" Her tone was something I couldn't describe. "Yeah, that quick, bae." She just nodded and chuckled. I was sure of myself, and I knew what I wanted.

She lightly nodded and scolded me about not taking my medicine. I sighed and I told her that I'd take it, she was already pregnant and I ain't want to make anything more stressful for her.

Now, I just wanted to enjoy the rest of this honeymoon.




"Beyoncé, I need some water, or im going to die! Why wont you get your wife some water?!" Onika shouted as she was laying in that uncomfortable ass position.

I smack my lips as I made my way over to her "Quit playing with my feelings- manipulating me, lil girl." I was teasing her and rolled my eyes in response

She batted her eyelashes as I handed her the cup. She took one look at it and started to cry again. fuckin' hormones.

"A-And where's my baby?" She was whining her ass off. Not too much though, that was my baby. Ciel could walk now and shit. he was probably in the bathroom on the mini toilet we got him. He wasn't wearing diapers any more- we potty trained him. He was 1.

"Bae, you gotta calm down!" I was trying to comfort my wife.  Mink was crying on the couch because she didn't have her water in her "special cup." Whimpering, she shook her head and buried herself deeper into the couch.

"Baby, you want your cup? What else do you need?" Shaking her head, she started crying again.

"Y-Your really being mean to me right nowww! Don't talk!" I- Trying my best to be understanding, I went and got her cup, placing it next to her gently.

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