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(just wanted to say thank you for all the unwavering support on my books, a nice long update for ya'll! I think it's adorable. <3!)

(Here's the chapter! hope you enjoy!)









11:27 𝘼𝙈


It hasn't even bene a full two weeks since Ciel was born and Bey was already dressing him like her- a stud for that matter. I was sitting in the loveseat next to Ciel's crib while I watched Beyoncé try to dress him up. We didn't do anything for her birthday-well, it's not like she wanted to, I think she was so wrapped up with him that she didn't even care. She said she wanted to spend time with her son. Even though I knew she was satisfied with that, I definitely wanted to do something special for her.

On the other hand, I'm starting to enjoy not being pregnant now, it had been two weeks, and I'm till in recovery, but often times when Ciel was asleep, or Bey and I were watching Tv, I would catch her looking at me with that glint in her eyes again.

It sort of felt weird, not being pregnant, especially after all of these months. Maybe I was just basking in the fact that I didn't get my period for another 6 to 8 weeks now. I was excited, but I see the way Bey's been looking at me. I genuinely didn't think I would make it to the 6 week checkup.

Adjusting myself in the loveseat, I continued to watch Bey struggle to dress up Ciel. I asked her if she wanted any help but she declined, wanting to learn herself. She was trying to watch YouTube videos and everything, it was pretty funny.

She'd also been going in and out the house on business, and I never bothered her about it, because I could see that the subject was extremely important to her. She'd just got back from her little warehouse or whatever, and decided to join us.

She must've caught me staring at her because she turned around and smirked at me. Looking her up and down, I silently admired her outfit, she looked good as always, she surprisingly wore some jeans and an actual shirt, rather than shorts and a wife-beater.

I was shocked, she looked Thuggish for such a normal outfit. Not that I was complaining or anything, she still looked sexy. I think it was just her aura, she could make anything look like that. Picking up Ciel who was fully dressed now, she came over and sat by me on the loveseat, kissing my temple and whispering into my ear.

"Ma why you starin'?" I giggled and hit her chest lightly, making sure I didn't hit Ciel.

"I'm just looking at you, it's so cute watching you parent." She smiled and I could definitely tell it was genuine. Passing me Ciel, I adjusted him on top of my lap examining him while Bey tried to lay her head on top of mines.

He was looking to my eyes, wide up at me. of course he can't talk now so It was just a matter of really trying to see what he could possibly want. Nobody told me that having me baby was sort of peaceful, all they really do is sleep and cry anyways.

Bey started to pick Ciel and I up gently, and she started to bring us down into the front. We were probably going to watch TV or something, I had no telemedicine appointments today so this probably was her way of asking to spend some time with us.

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