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(𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮!)





𝙈𝘼𝙔 26𝙏𝙃 2021

(𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙩𝙬)



1 𝙋𝙈


Beyoncé and I were currently sitting in the living room watching watching YouTube Videos together. Beyoncé laid her head on my chest and my hands immediately went to play in her locks. Ever since Beyoncé and I had sex, it definitely had bought us closer. She was more relaxed toward me, and she let herself relax a bit with her masculinity. She even let me paint her toenails white like mine, and we had acute little spa day.

We were watching my favorite Youtuber CoryXKenshin and I was so into the video that I didn't recognize Beyoncé staring at me lustfully. She snapped me out of my thoughts by tilting her head up and starting to kiss on my neck. I turned to her and smiled. She was staring up at me with her hazel eyes, they flickered with specks of green.

"Hi baby, what you staring at?" I spoke, looking down at her as she was still laying on my chest. She tilted her head up from her position laying on me and smirked.

"Yo fine ass.." I gasped at her abrupt bluntness, I still hadn't gotten used to it.

"stawpp it!" She rolled her eyes and playfully smacked her lips.

"what? you actin' like it ain't true!" I looked everywhere but her trying to avoid her piercing gaze.

By now, she had sat up fully on the couch and was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Once she saw that I wasn't going to turn to her anytime soon, she turned my chin lightly and captured my lips in a slow, passionate kiss.

"Baby, don' ever think you ain't fine, you know I love you ma.." I sighed.

"Yonnie, I know you love me, I've just been feeling a little insecure with the baby now.. my waist has gotten really wide, my breasts hurt and they're swollen- because they now have milk, my feel hurt! and I'm a little bigger, I know it's not attract to be waddling around all the time and I don't want you to think that I-"

She suddenly stop and cupped my slightly chubbier face in her hands.

"baby, yeen ugly, and yeen even fat, if you was, I'd still love you either way. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I love it baby, don't feel bad about carrying a child, it's a blessing, some women can't even do that. alright baby? stop rambling'."

I nodded, smiling. That was another thing, as we kept on living together, she had become much more compassionate and loving. I looked up at her in appreciation.

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