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( hope yall like it!)



2:30 𝘼𝙈


𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 2𝙉𝘿 2021


What in the fuck just happened.

One minute i'm just trying to drop off my ex boyfriend's clothing, the next minute, my "best friend" abandons, me, my ex is dead, I had 10 guns to my head, and im sitting in a rolls royce with a crazy ass stranger staring at me.

It hadn't really occured to me why they were there in the first place, or why the killed meek. All i could think about how i could get out of this predicament with this stranger.

that and how attractive they looked at the moment.

We were just staring at eachother so i took the time to admire their outfit. This time instead of the blonde hair, it seemed like it was stuffed into a black beanie on their head. Their eyebrows were slit and very dark. The regular chains rested on their neck as they accessorized the black nike jumpsuit that fit their curvy but musclar frame very nicely.

i couldn't see their feet due to it being dark in the car, but i'm sure they had some overly expensive nice ass shoes on. all i could really see at the moment was the upper half of their body. they stared at me while smoking a blunt and exhaling, smoke coming through their nostrils.


I adjusted myself in the big seat. i was so short my feet almost dangled off of the seat. It was sort of embarrasing. in the midst of trying to look at everything but them, my eyes darted around the inerior of the car. it had sleek red interior with stars on the ceiling. there were two Tv's on the back of the headrests, and the armrests and seat covers had the initials "BK" on them.

ohh they had money money..

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that i damn near jumped when they spoke to me.

"you need better friends, ma."

I couldn't even argue at this point. Lara had completely dipped once that bird woman said something to her. i scruched my face up at the reecnt memory. whose codename is "bird"? like you couldn't think of anything better? the only bird thing on her was her chest.

I snickered in my head.

Everyone saw how lara did me and these people could tell i needed better friends. Maybe i should revaluate our friendship. But i'd save that for later, because right now i was gonna try to defend her.

I focused my eyes on my hands and started playing with my fingers as i spoke.

"yeah well, she's been my best friend since pre-k.. i guess we all make mistakes.. I'm sure she didn't mean it..." I said, still looking down at my fingers. they rose their eyebrows.

"so yo' 'best friend since pre-k' left you at the club and dipped on you jus' now? that's interesting.."

I rose my head up and i looked at the arm rest trying to occupy myself from their burning stare.

"like i said, i'm sure she didn't mean it-" I was cut off my her big hand lifting my chin up and turning my face toward their burning gaze. our faces were extremely close to one another.

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