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(I thought this was a really cute chapter! hope you enjoy it!)





𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 10𝙏𝙃, 2021





        I can confidently say that it had been a week since the night i came here

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I can confidently say that it had been a week since the night i came here. Everything had been going smoothly.

well as smoothly as it can go.

Beyonce wasn't here right now because she left earlier in the morning to go take care of some buissness. she said she would be back around 10, so i'm going to make her some breakfast.

I can definitley say that Beyonce and I's relationship had gotten closer over the short span of time we've been involved with eachother. My crush for her is only growing, and she's really warming up to me. Lauren said that she was sorry about telling Beyonce I was expecting, but i forgave her. If i had told her any later, she'd probably go ballistic.

Since staying in her room, I'd gotten used to waking up with her arm protectively wrapped around me. She wasn't kidding when she said I'd be protected. I haven't left the house yet, but I was going to see if I could go grocery shopping. There were only two staff members in the mansion. The housemaid Lauren, and the cook, Carl. I had grown to like them.

Carl was a sweet older man with a wife and children at home, he worked mostly during the morning, prepping and cooking all the food in advance so he could go home to his family after. It was a pretty smart idea. With that being said, Carl was almost always in the kitchen. Lauren cleaned the house and did the chores, laundry and such. Even though she ratted me out, we had grown to be good acqaintences. Hopefully I could call her a friend in the future.

I told carl to take the week off, not before Beyonce had a fit about it. It was pretty funny. I snickered knowing that this was when I found out she couldn't cook.


𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 6𝙏𝙃 2021



"Ma why you tell him to leave??"

Beyonce exasperated and sighed, running her hands through her hair.

I tilted my head at her.

"what's wrong with that yonnie? he's been slaving away in this kitchen all day! that man has kids!" I replied, placing a hand on my hip. beyonce smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. she plopped down on one of the Island chairs.

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