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( a cute, long chapter to make up for the last two, it was.. a lot!)

(here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!)








I tapped Yonnie awake as she was in a deep sleep.

And when I mean a deep sleep, she was in deep. Drool was coming out of her mouth, she hair was messed up, her feet were twitching and she kept on moaning in her sleep. Not to mention her phallus was up and erect, forming a tent in the pajamas I had forced her into prior. I pushed her phallus and it spring back to its original position, only for Yonnie's body to twitch.


I was really sure of what to do at this moment, she looked to be in a great mood, but I could tell she was tired. I decided to let her sleep a little longer and I went downstairs to fix us some breakfast. I said hello to Carl and we both got ready to make some food. We decided on waffles, bacon, and eggs because everyone liked it, and It was Bey's favorite breakfast food.

After we set the table, and I put the garnishes on the waffles, I headed up to Lauren's room to go talk to her. She wasn't here for the past two days because I had given her some time off. Walking into Lauren's room I sat carefully on the bed and kicked my feet. Lauren was in the bathroom washing her hair. She came out and jumped when she saw me.

"Oh! Hi Nika, you scared me there for a bit!"

"Hi Lauren! I was just waiting for Bey to wake up so I was just trying to kill some time. I have a whole itinerary of things I want us to do together today, but she's still sleeping."

"Oh! really? What're you guys going to do?" I smiled, I was really excited for today, Since Bey was always taking me on dates, I wanted to take her on a few. I even enlisted the help of Solange. I hoped this would make her feel better.

I looked to Lauren and began listing out the things I wanted Bey and I to do today.

"Well, first I wanted us to the Botanical Gardens! from there we're going to go to the zoo! After that, i'm taking her to go to Go Karts! and then, I'm going to pack some extra clothes for us, and were going to change and go to this Fancy restaurant that Solange helped me book. I rented a hotel room for us at the Royalton Hotel!"

"Wow Nika! that's a lot for one day! But who's gonna watch Chocolate?" My face twisted up into a shy smile.

"Well, that's what I was going to ask you.." I looked at her, pouting and playing with my fingers.

She put her hands on her hip and rolled her neck at me.



She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine! but only because it's you, and my sons love animals."

I cheered and got up from the bed, waddling over to her. Wrapping my arms around her, she embraced me back, some of her wet hair getting in my face.

"Thank you Laur!"

"No problem, Nikaboo, now go wake up your woman, from what it seems, you have a long day ahead of you.." I nodded and smiled, waddling out the door.

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