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Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy! (Currently moving rn so i'm just getting smthn out for yall.<3)











    "Ow!!" I groaned, sitting up on the bed. 

    Yonnie was still asleep or so I thought. Being me, I went up and checked the mirror. I whimpered at the night's events, and how my body was evident at that. My joints hurt, and so did my privates. Rubbing at them, I tried to soothe some of the pain in my pelvis area. Bey really fucked me up, I'm never strapping her again, she was so out of pocket.

   An airy chuckle sounded from the bed, and I looked over to see bey sitting up on the headboard, her hands behind her head. She was biting her lip and staring me down like shit was funny. rolling my eyes, I turned back to the mirror. As I was still examining myself, she got up and came behind me, rubbing on my sore, naked body. Wrapping her arms around me, she kissed my neck. 

Pouting, I whined and tried to get out of her grasp. She smacked her lips, but I could still hear the sheer amusement in her voice. "Ma, why you not talking ta me?" She said teasingly.

   It was my turn to smack my lips, and I tried to put my hand on my shoulder. That didn't work because as soon as I did, I instantly retracted it-that hurt so bad! Looking up to her, I waddled into the bathroom and tried to sit on the counter. after using a nearby step stool to do so, I achieved my goal.  I needed to sit down, and I was pregnant. That was the excuse from now on. Of course, she followed me in, and stood in between my legs.

"You know why!" I whined as she nestled herself more into me, looking into my eyes. She chuckled. "I hurt you bad, mama? My bad, baby-I ain't mean it like that." She whispered lovingly, which made me look down at my growing stomach.

   I hoped the baby wasn't hurting or anything. Her larger hands made their way to my sides and gently rubbed circles around them which made me sigh in satisfaction. we were both still naked, pressing skin to skin. I didn't mind it though, I loved the skin-on-skin contact, especially since i was carrying again. It made me feel safe, and it gave me a sense of security.

"It's Okay..." I told her lowly. She smiled. "You so cute.." Batting my eyelashes, I signaled for her to take me into the shower. "Mhm, thank you baby." I responded, feeling flattered.

   She didn't reply as she started to run the water. Wow, I was really about to have another baby. I was so sad that Ciel and the animals couldn't come on the honeymoon with us, but I understood, it would be good for us to get some much needed alone-time together. It was definitely needed.

   My wife placed me in the tub, and I let out a deep, and content sigh of satisfaction, the lukewarm water caressing my aches and quelling my pains. Sliding down a little more in the tub, I let out a soft but toothy smile, closing my eyes. Bey leaned over and kissed my forehead, her plump lips lights and airy. Stepping in behind me, she slacked her posture and wrapped her hands around my waist.

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