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(here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy!)





𝘼𝙐𝙂𝙐𝙎𝙏 29𝙩𝙝 2021



10:32 𝘼𝙈


"Hi Lauren!"

I waddled over to Lauren and I embraced her in a faint hug, I didn't want to squeeze her too hard, because beyonce says that I don't know my own strength when it comes to hugging now. She smiled back at me as I looked around her apartment.

"Hi, Nikabear! I just have to get my purse and I'll be ready to go! I have to get my children back from school by 2;30, so we have a couple of hours to shop around before then, Is Beyonce outside waiting for you?" I nodded with a smile.

Beyonce wanted to stay in the car and wait for me because she swore she was uncomfortable in other people's houses. I didn't necessarily blame her though, knowing her she'd probably just stand there awkwardly with a mug on her face. That's my baby though. She had been in a bad mood today, I think she is feeling a little jittery because it is getting closer and closer to the due date of Ciel.

I choose not to bother her right now, but I can tell she's nervous, I'm nervous too, but I cant necessarily do anything but comfort her, She's always wanted this and i'm glad that I can finally give it to her. I know she will feel better as the day progresses, Beyonce is always like that, she had minor mood swings through out the day, I learned that through observing her mannerisms, I know what irritates her and when to bother her or not.

I just can't help but feel a little insecure about how the baby will shift our dynamic. Will she still find me attractive as much as she did when she first saw me? I know childbirth can take a certain toll on your figure, hence the way you appear to the outside world. Sighing, I brushed my hair out of my face and put on a smile, I couldn't stress myself out with things like this, especially since I've always been so nervous, This could trigger a panic attack, and I can't afford that, not with the baby so near.

Lauren came back with her purse swinging over her shoulder and she smiled at me, her hazel cheek imprinting a small dimple at the flexing of her jaw. Lauren is so beautiful.

"Ready to go Nika?" Nodding my head, I adjusted my olive green Chanel handbag on shoulder.

"Yes, let us venture onward!" She giggled and lead me out of the door, locking it behind her. I got into the car where Yonnie was sitting there waiting for me with a small smile on her face. Lauren said that she would take her car and follow us there. It made since, especially since she has to get her sons after.

Putting my handbag in one of the many holsters of the car, I put on my seatbelt and adjusted the chair to my liking, as I was fumbling with the seat, I heard Beyonce chuckle from beside me. Looking up at her, I smiled. I wonder if she's feeling a little better? She has a habit of bottling things up, and I want to be somebody that she can talk to, I don't want her to carry all of this anger and resentment with her all the time, It's not good for her; for anybody in that matter.

I softy spoke to her in a calm tone, i wasn't sure if she was "fucking with me" right now, as you would say.

"Hi, Yonnie." She stared at me for a few seconds until her face broke out into a big smile, showcasing all of her pearly, straight teeth.

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