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Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!








8:15 𝙋𝙈


We had been at dinner for a little while now. Bey was acting a little strange, but in a good way. It was like she was nervous. She kept staring at me and looking off to the side. She played with her hair a little bit, looking down inside her lap.

She was sitting across from me at the big table we were all seated at, so I couldn't see what she kept looking at. I sent her a concerned look, but she just shook it off and gave me a slight smile. I love her smile.

Something in my stomach is telling me something is going to happen, but I can't tell if it's good or bad. Chocolate was trying to sit inside of my lap, so I got him a booster seat. He didn't listen, so he ended up just nestled up in the middle of the table, staring at everyone.

Normally I would've told him to get down, but he seems to be behaving, and we had ate all of our food, we were just talking. I've learned that chocolate is just a mean chicken, he doesn't mean anything by it. That's still my baby.

I was sort of spaced out, but then my attention was snapped back by solange poking me slightly. Easing my eyebrow, my looked at her and she discreetly pointed to Lauren. We had all been suspicious of her since the trip started.

She kept texting on her phone, smiling, and giggling. At first I laid it no mind, but then every time we'd ask who she was talking to, she'd shut down and get defensive. I sighed on the inside because I suspected she was probably still seeing my dad.

It's crazy how I can never find a real friend, except for Solange of course.

It's just so weird because I didn't even ask her about it on any weird intention, I just wanted to know who she was taking to, and she got very up-in-arms about it. That's what's making me suspect something. Watson was under the table asleep, and I lifted the table cloth to smile down at him. I loved my baby.

Glaring at her slightly, I tried my best to get her attention. I think Bey saw what was going on because she slammed her fist down on the table. Everyone was staring her down at this point, and her head popped up to see everyone's eyes on her. She looked terrified, as she should be.

Beyonce started talking, her scarier, more menacing voice coming out. I love when she's dominant like this.

"Lauren, can't you see we're all taking and spending time, it's rude as hell to be on your phone at the table." She glared her down, eyes turning into slits.

Lauren showed obvious signs of nervousness, gulping. I could see a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. Suddenly, the atmosphere felt much darker. The restaurant had almost cleared out by now, and there was only us, maybe two other couples dining.

"Yeah Lauren, what's going on?" I instigated, tilting my head slightly. If she was doing what I thought she was doing, she wasn't prepared for the ass whopping I was about to present onto her.

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