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(happy chapter twenty! thank you for all the support and reads so far!)

(hope you enjoy!)






𝙅𝙐𝙇𝙔 16𝙏𝙃 2021



12 𝙋𝙈


         Gosh, I am soo pregnant, it doesn't make any sense.

       My stomach was getting much bigger and I was about 7 months pregnant and I was going through it. two more months until this thing is out of me. Beyonce on the other hand is excited though. she says she can't wait until her son drops so she can finally "have her way with me." Whatever that means. Bey has been helping me a lot though. I waddle everywhere and I look very pregnant. I don't get morning sickness as bad anymore but I just throw up all the time now.

    How lovely. Ciel has started kicking too, so that's just great. Whenever he kicks, Bey leans down to my stomach and curses him out. That isn't much better, but it dose get him to stop for the time being. I could definitely tell that she would be the disciplinarian in the family, though.

         I rubbed my stomach while we were in the parking lot of the mall. I looked at beyonce form the corner of my eye, she looked so good backing up into the parking space while using one hand on the steering wheel. She wanted to go to the mall with me because I most definitely needed some new clothes. I was also famished, so she suggested that we get some food while we were here.

         Chocolate was in the backseat squawking as usual. He's been acting a little strange since I met Beyoncé's family a couple of months ago. He's been more deranged acting, attacking Yonnie every chance he gets. I was moving around in his cage, with his leash attached to him. I begged and begged Bey to let Chocolate go with us and she finally complied after some very well strategized "convincing." I turned from him to find Bey already parked and staring at me.

         She was looking into my eyes and she rubbed my stomach with a smile on her face. She looked so pretty today it didn't make sense. I finally convinced her to wear one of the dress I bought her and she complied. I know she didn't want to, but she did it to make me happy. I love her so much. She was in a long black bodycon dress with some sandals. I wanted her to curl her hair but I decided to let her have her way and she wore it in a low ponytail. She tried to put that damn skull cap on but I wasn't having it.

      My baby looked so cute. she leaned into my neck and gave me a kiss, making me moan slightly. My hormones had been terrible and I wanted to have sex all the time. She'd wake up in the middle of the night and I'd be stroking her dick. I noticed that i liked to suck on her Addams apple and lick on her balls. I don't know, I just loved it. I gave her another peck on the lips and when she pulled away she looked me up and down.

"You look so pretty, ma." 

     To be honest, I think I looked alright. Yonnie and I were matching , I had on a black bodycon dress and some sandals, except my dress could be pulled up if needed and hers couldn't.

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