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(Do yall still like this story? I have another one coming <3)

(heres the chapter! Hope you enjoy!)










Onika was the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

She hadn't noticed me yet, but I was watching her try to open the counter doors that were high up, while Ciel sat in his booster seat, watching her. He's growing more and more every week. He looks so adorable now. I think he's going to end up acting like me. And even though he has some of my DNA, meek is in there somewhere, maybe he'll just get some dumbass one, like being bowlegged or something.

Ever since we had Ciel, we haven't really gone out anywhere. Well, it's not like we go that many places either, but I want us to all do something as a family. I wanted to propose to her soon, but I think I'll wait until our One-year anniversary. I don't want to take things too fast, but she's the one for me and I know it. I have to talk to her about moving soon.

I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I came to the conclusion that after I move and expand bases, I might leave the cartel, and take up stocks. Mink was gonna give me my football team soon and I don't want her to be in danger.

I found out recently that my dad gave me some bonds back when I was 9 without me knowing. I'm 26 now, so they should be worth a shitload, especially since I already have so much money. I'm thinking about just getting texts and notifications about things that are going on, rather than running it fully. I already have kids, and I'm about to get some more, I think it would be too dangerous, for them at least.

Speaking of Mink giving me more children, I want to get her pregnant again soon. if she wants too of course, it's been almost 6 weeks, and I want to do something special for her.

Onika's hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she had her robe on. It looked a little bigger on her now that I stretched it out. I had my own robe, but hers was way more comfortable. It was so fluffy and soft. after watching her struggle to get the sugar from the counter, I walked over and reached to the top shelf with ease. After I got it for her, she looked up to me with a smile.

It felt good to see her smile because she's bene feeling a little depressed ever since that night at dinner. The whole thing shocked me like hell, and I was sort of suspicious of Lauren. i talked to her about it and she swore up and down she didn't know anything about it. I told her to stop seeing him and she cut him off immediately. I just wonder; since he knows Onika is around, will he try to come back into her life.

I decided not to think about it for the moment and wrapped my arms around Nika's waist, there was slow music playing on the speakers around the house and we swayed back and forth to the music. She leaned into me as I bent down to kiss her forehead. We swayed alone in silence before we let go of each other so She could go feed Ciel, who was still staring at us smiling. He hadn't talked yet but has still a newborn so thas' probably why.

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