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To those that enjoy my stories/are sweet in the comments, i appreciate it, yall are the reason i continue to write, and i thank you for ur unwavering support. hope you enjoy. <3








8:35 𝘼𝙈


I was woken up to Bey shaking me.

"Ma! Ma!"

Groaning, I sat up slightly, rubbing my eyes and giving my vision a minute to focus. When I looked up, I saw that bey was on top of me, and I smiled. She looked so cute this morning. she was doing that odd thing again where she was wearing my clothes. This time, she was trying to wear my nightgown, but it only really came out looking like a crop top.

I laughed at the sight. "Goodmorning Baby, why're you wearing my nightgown?" She smiled, pecking my cheek. "It smells like you, I can sleep without you, so I just try to wear shit that reminds me of you so I can sleep." Awwww!

We couldn't sleep together yesterday, because I kept having to get up to get Ciel. He kept crying, so eventually I brought his little crib into the bed, and I placed it between us. Bey didn't like that, for her she needs skin-to-skin contact. That was my seconds baby, she's so obsessed with me, wants to be under me at all times. I loved it.

"So while I'm sleeping you just rummage through my clothes?" She nodded her head.

"Yeah." She said shrugging her shoulders as I rolled my eyes, finally deciding to get out of bed. I looked over in between us after stretching, only to notice that Ciel wasn't in-between us anymore. Looking to Bey, I noticed she was staring at my body and smirking, I covered up my stomach, I was still a little insecure about it, it had a little pudge.

"Yonnie, where's our son?" Her eyes lit up.

"He in the other rooms with Solange nem' I brought him over there about an hour ago, wanted you to sleep. Animals in there too, so its jus' us." She smiled at me. It was even more loving than it usually is. I blushed a bit. She was acting sort of weird. Walking over to the mirror, I examined my body and sighed a little.

I had gotten bigger in size, and it was noticeable, my cheeks were bigger, thighs were heavier, my stomach protruded out a little more, and I had some stretch marks, and a few bits of cellulite. my waist was also wider, even though it had gone down since I gave birth. My mood dampened, the longer I looked. I think Bey noticed because she came over to me, snaking her arms around my waist, I kept my head down, staring at her tattoos.

She kissed all over my body before speaking. "Baby I love you no matter how you look, remember you jus' gave birth, some people don't have the pleasure of being able to bring a child into the world. Don't look like that bae, I think you look even sexier." She smirked.

I started blushing and leaned my head back into her chest. "But my waist- and marks..." She interrupted me. "Baby it's natural. An' yo' waist bigger, but so is those ass, titties, and hips." she licked her lips and her eyes lowered, here we go.

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