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(...giggles cutely)

(heres the chapter! Hope you enjoy!)










"You really had to bring the chicken?" Yonnie deadpanned at me.

Rasing my hand up to my chest, I drew out a dramatic gasp while Bey rolled her eyes. She's just in a shitty mood because she has to go get her wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow, I told her as soon as we stepped into the restaurant and she got upset, she hates the doctors. Just hood superstition, I guess.

"Of course, I had to bring my Chocolatey Wocklety! I haven't been spending enough time with him!"

I smiled at Beyonce while rubbing on Chocolates feathers as she rolled her eyes. Chocolate squawked at her, looking from his position on my lap and up at Bey, who was sitting next to me. They both held a staring contest, glaring each other down while everyone else at the table watched them.

"Mane fuck you." Bey said glaring at the chicken.


It squawked at her, accompanied with the usual peck. Beyonce got mad at was about to strangle him but luckily Chris reached behind her to pull her back from him, while I leaned toward the end of the table, shielding him from Beyonce's wrath.

The whole table was in commotion as Chocolate screamed bloody murder as Beyonce staring arguing with the animal, and when I mean argue, she was arguing that Chicken DOWN. It wasn't like he could understand her anyways.

Well, I take that back, judging by the various facial expressions and time replies, he probably could. My chocolate was most definitely a star student. and Ciel watch along in amusement, giggling. He's just like Bey, hopefully he doesn't get her anger issues.

Ciel was in a tiny booster seat at the end of the table where we were. Bey had one customized so it could fit his smaller frame. all he did was drink milk anyways, but I wanted him to fell included. I brought bottles of my milk that I had pumped, so it could be fed to him while we all ate.

They kept arguing until the waiter came over and asked us to calm down before we would have to be put out. We were already on hot water at the fact that I brought Chocolate, but he was on a leash, and my baby was well behaved! bey reluctantly paid the owner extra so he could be in here. I said he was my emotional support animal.

"Can Lauren and her little how get here so we can eat? I'm hungry and that nigga already done pissed me off." Bey said while slumping down in her seat. I tapped her shoulder and she looked down at me while raising her eyebrow.

"Why you did that for?"

"Adjust you're posture and have some decorum; this is a place of dining!" She sat up again and sighed heavily. Looking over to me she pouted.

"Bae, I don' wanna go to the dentist tomorrow..."

"It won't be that bad, I've gotten my wisdom teeth removed before!"

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