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(Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!)




𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝘽𝙀𝙍, 19𝙏𝙃 2021


11:47 𝘼𝙈



Beyonce was in the foulest mood today as she slumped herself on the couch while staring at me with a mug. I was cackling at the sight, it was pretty funny, she was slumped while Ciel laid on her in somewhat of the same position.

His little rattle was on her side, and she had a bonnet on her head. Chocolate rested on her other shoulder nestled up by her, and Watson was at her feet laying on his side, snoring. All of the animals and the baby were just asleep on her as she stared at me.

I waved at her; my bright smile illuminated by the glaring of the windows. "Hi baby!"

She rolled her eyes at me, feeling a bit stressed and annoyed by the current situation. "Mmcht."

We were in Beyonce's private jet as we were traveling to Florida for Disneyworld, and our new life there. It had officially been about 6 weeks today, so we went for a checkup, due to our lack of sex, Beyonce had been going through withdraws. Even the doctor expressed how shocked she was that Yonnie hadn't gotten me pregnant already, but I had something for her today.

She was working so hard at being a father, and being a good parent that I figured that I should give her some loving on the jet. We had our own private section, and all the others sat in the front, while we occupied the back. Crawling over to her, I lightly pecked kisses all over Bey's neck, making her moan.

"What's wrong Yonnie baby?" She darted her eyes towards me, frowning.

"Don' even play me like that, you know was' wrong..." She whined as she kept putting her neck in my face, wanting me to kiss it. I chuckled and kissed her neck again as we looked down at Ciel, who was sleeping on Beyonce's lap now.

Taking Ciel off of Beyonce's lap, I went into the front section of the plane, everybody was asleep except for Solange. Going over to her, I tapped her quietly. She jumped up, almost surprised.

"Girl, you scared the shit outta me!" I sheepishly smiled at her, holding Ciel. "I'm sorry about that girl, I just wanted to know could you watch the animals and Ciel for me?"

"She nodded. "Girl yeah, why?" I smirked. "I'm going to go relieve some of Bey's stress. I said, hoping that she caught my drift.

She put her finger into her mouth and faked a gagging sound" Yall so nasty, but try to keep Bey's ass quiet, I know she likes strap!"


"Don't even deny it, I know you be beating her shit down!"

I just shook my head. "So will you watch him?" She rolled her eyes taking Ciel from me. I scampered over to the door, pulling it open. as soon as I did, Watson and Chocolate ran into the room, waking everyone up, haha.

"Thanks, Solo!" I yelled as I pulled the door back closed. The groans of everyone on the jet started to sound. I heard a faint "yeah" from her. Turning back to Beyonce, I saw she was looking at me curiously, standing up to stretch.

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