The Clan Show: RiverClan

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Core: Hello, there, fellow viewers of The Clan Show! I'm Core, your host for today's show. :3

Thorn: *Hands letter over to Core*

Core: Oooh, letter! *Tries opening it but fails*

~ One hour later... ~

Core: *Opens it* YES! Blah, blah, blah, blah, voles, blah, blah, blah, Clans. o_o Anyway, let's see what Bramble has to report about the Clans. :3

Bramble: OK, I'm deep in the territory of RiverClan. There are lots of streams and I, sadly, cannot swim. I'm trying not to walk in water because I'll jump out of my pelt if I do. Hey, look, there's a group of... RiverClan cats!

Reedwhisker: *Hisses* What are you doing on RiverClan's territory?

Bramble: I am Bramble of The Clan Show. I'm here to see what it's like in RiverClan. May you lead me to the camp, Sir? :3

Reedwhisker: Fine.. Come. *Pads off*

Bramble: *Follows* *Whispers* I'm being led to the RiverClan camp by fellow cats of the Clan. I wonder what it's like? I dunno, you dunno.

Reedwhisker: We're here. I'll tell Leopardstar we have a visitor.

Bramble: OK. *Stares at camera* OK, we're going over to that den over there. HEY, WHAT'S IN THE DEN?

Mothwing: Herbs... o_o

Bramble: Oh, hello. Who are you, RiverClan cat? O_O

Mothwing: I'm Mothwing, the medicine cat. Who are you? O_O

Bramble: Bramble of The Clan Show. *Pads off*

Leopardstar: *Pads over to Bramble with Reedwhisker* So, why are you in our territory?

Bramble: Gathering things for -

Leopardstar: GET OUTTA MY TERRITORY, SPY! Reedwhisker, escort him out.

Reedwhisker: Come. *Pads off, Bramble following*

Bramble: *Whispers* And so I only got to look in a den full of herbs, where Mothwing, the medicine cat, was. To be honest, RiverClan cats smell like fish. No offence to RiverClan, but it's true. Well, goodbye!

Core: Thank you, Bramble. Seems like RiverClan are interesting. But, sadly, the show has come to an end. I won't see you next time, OK? Good. BYE! :D

Thorn: You're mean, Core. O_O

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