The True Story of Tigerstar

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Hollykit: Ferncloud, can you tell us about Tigerstar? :)

Ferncloud: Sure. Sit down and listen. ^_^

Lionkit, Hollykit and Jaykit: *Sit*

Ferncloud: Once upon a time there was a dark brown tabby tom called Tigerclaw. Everyone respected him until Bluestar found out there was something wrong with the warrior. Can you guess?

Lionkit: Oh, he went to Twolegplace because he was a kittypet!

Jaykit: No, he went to RiverClan's territory, took some fish and slapped every cat -- except from Darkstripe and Longtail -- and slapped them across the face twice.

Ferncloud: No. Hollykit, have you got any ideas?

Hollykit: He met SharpieClan and Sharpiestar. Sharpiestar realized he was going to steal the Clan's sharpies and drew on Tigerclaw's face with sharpies. He then ran away like a little kit. :D

Ferncloud: ... No, none of them were right!

Three kits: Aw.

Ferncloud: Tigerclaw went into Bluestar's den to talk to the leader. The ThunderClan leader then realized something was wrong with the warrior. Bluestar then said, ''TIGERCLAW, YOU'RE EXLIED FROM THUNDERCLAN!'' Tigerclaw walked out of the den and looked at his Clanmates. He heard murmurings of, ''Tigerclaw is ugly! The ugly Tigerclaw has returned!'' Then, something dark crawled all over him.. Something.. full of darkness... When he went to ShadowClan, some cats fainted at first sight!

Lionkit: But why did some of the ShadowClan cats faint?

Jaykit: You'll fine out later in the story. Now be quiet; I want to hear the whole story. -.-

Ferncloud: Tigerclaw then took over the Clan, becoming Tigerstar. After Tigerstar's exile, he earned the title, ''The Ugly Tigerstar''. This is also what this story is called. Did you kits enjoy it?

Three kits: Yes, Ferncloud!

Ferncloud: Good. ^-^

Daisy: Tigerstar sounds scary and ugly. :S

Ferncloud: He was. Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw, his kits, were terrified of him.

Daisy: I would be, too. :(

Jaykit and Lionkit: *Walk away*

Hollykit: *Goes over to the fresh-kill pile* *Tilts head to the side*

Ferncloud: Hey, where'd Squirrelflight's kits go? Hollykit? Jaykit? Lionkit? Hollykit?! Jaykit?! Lionkit?! Oh, great, the story must've scared them all.

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