Why Rusty really wanted to join ThunderClan

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Smudge: My pelt is smudged! :O

Rusty: No.. o.o

Twoleg: Rusty!

Rusty: I've got to go. Twoleg owner is going to drive me up the ladder if I don't.

Smudge: Your owner can drive me up the ladder! I'm too lazy to climb up it! :D

Rusty: Bye. *Pads into house*

Sumdge: Oh I'm a loner. A funny loner. Oh, I am a loner! :D

Rusty: *Pads over to food bowl*

Twoleg: *Pulls it away*

Rusty: *Pads over to it*

Twoleg: *Pulls it away again* Mwhahahaha. o3o

Rusty: ... *Pads over to it*

Twoleg: *Walks off*

Rusty: Yes, my Twoleg owner is pretty weird. o.o *Pads outside*

Smudge: Hi, Rusty! I'm just being - NOOOO! SOMEONE PUT A SMUDGE ON MY BEAUTIFUL PELT! D:

Rusty: Yes, I find Smudge annoying.

Smudge: Who are you talkin' to, Rusty? o3o

Rusty: No one, Smudge. No one.

Smudge: Oh. YOU'RE CRAZY! O3o

Rusty: I'm leaving.

Smudge: Wha - where? O_O

Rusty: To the forest.

Smudge: But there's -

Rusty: I know, I know. Wild cats. Well, I want to become one and I even got the offer. So.. goodbye, Smudge. *Pads away into the forest*

Smudge: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! D: Wait a minute... *Gasps* It was you who put a smudge on my pelt! How dare you do that to me?! :O

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