Hollyleaf discovers SharpieClan

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Hollyleaf: *Walking and falls into a pile of sharpies* AH! O_O

Sharpiestar: Hello there. Welcome to the territory of SharpieClan. You're the first cat to discover us. Thanks.

Hollyleaf: Sharpie... Clan?

Sharpiestar: Yep. Welcome.


Sharpieface: *Draws on Hollyleaf's face with a sharpie* >:3

Hollyleaf: HEY! :O

Sharpieface: Hi. :3

Sharpiestar: Get used to it. Sharpieface earned his name for a reason, you know.

Hollyleaf: *Randomly dances* I'm so happeh, happeh, happeh, I think I'm going to cry! :') *Falls on face* How'd my face land on the ground? :S

Sharpiestar: Promise you won't tell your ThunderClan about SharpieClan?

Hollyleaf: Promise. Anyway, I love this Clan too much to tell ThunderClan about you awesome sharpie-lovers like me. :)

Sharpiestar: *Goes on Highrock* Cats of SharpieClan, our deputy has returned after many, many countless moons!

SharpieClan: *Draw on Hollyleaf's face with sharpies* WHOOOOOOO! :D

Hollyleaf: >:O!

Sharpiestar: That is SharpieClan's way of expressing their happiness. *Draws on Hollyleaf's face* I now welcome you, Sharpieleaf, to SharpieClan. You have been missed dearly, my fellow long-lost deputy.

Hollyleaf: WAIT! My name is Hollyleaf. I know I like sharpies, but I don't want to be called Sharpieleaf. ThunderClan gave me the name Hollyleaf and it'll cause me too much pain to go and leave my name. I'm sorry, Sharpiestar, but I'm staying as Hollyleaf.

Sharpiestar: Very well. *Slaps Hollyleaf across the face with a fish covered in sharpie drawings*

Hollyleaf: Ow! What was that for?!

Sharpiestar: It is a sign to the Great Sharpies that you have made a good choice.

Hollyleaf: Great Sharpies?

Sharpiestar: It's like your StarClan, I guess.

Hollyleaf: OK... Anyway, I better get used to the customs of SharpieClan. I assume there is a different code to my Clan's.

Sharpiestar: *Slaps across the face with the fish again* Indeed, Hollyleaf.

Hollyleaf: From this day on, I shall put all of my loyalties to SharpieClan as I serve as their deputy! I shall respect every cat from the oldest elder to the youngest kit. I shall remain loyal to the code and dedicate whatever I do to SharpieClan. I have now returned, and from this day on I shall be Hollyleaf, proud and loyal deputy of SharpieClan!

Sharpiestar: *Slaps again with fish* Good.

Hollyleaf: I will try and forget about ThunderClan, Sharpiestar. I am proud of serving as your deputy again. *Dips head*

Sharpiestar: *Slaps again* Again, good. *Thinks: Sharpie-brain. >:3*

In ThunderClan...

Leafpool: Firestar, where's Hollyleaf?! D:

Firestar: Why do you seem to miss her so much, Leafpool? o.o

Leafpool: Oh, no reason at all, Firestar. I just.. want to know if she's fine because I... respect her so much.

Firestar: OK. Well, no cat has seen her for a bit now...


Firestar: Why... Why are you all worried... and panic-y? O.O

Leafpool: *Looks away* I can't bare to lose another cat. I want a happy, happy life and not have to worry about losing another cat... :'(

Firestar: O_O

Leafpool: I can't bare to hear anymore. I must return to the medicine den at once! :( *Runs*

Firestar: Sandstorm, does Leafpool seem a little... odd? e.e

Sandstorm: Kind of. She's never been like this before. O.O

Firestar: I thought so, too.

A few moons later...

Hollyleaf: Sharpiestar, I have to return to ThunderClan. I just realized I've been away from them for a few moons. I will come back, though.

Sharpiestar: *Slaps with fish* Indeed. Follow your heart, brave, little Hollyleaf. One day you shall lead this Clan when I pass away to the Great Sharpies. Live well, and be sure to return again. We shall miss and remember you until you come back, dear friend.

Hollyleaf: Bye! *Runs off*

In ThunderClan...

Hollyleaf: *Runs into the camp* I'M BACK!

ThunderClan cats: *Murmur to each other*

Leafpool: HOLLYLEAF! *Tackles* I missed you so much! Don't ever go away from us again, do you hear me? ^_^

Hollyleaf: Loud and clear, Leafpool... Loud and clear... Anyway, why are you so happy about my return? O_O

Leafpool: Oh, it's nothing. I just thought I lost you forever. Nothing at all. ^_^''

Hollyleaf: OK.

Jayfeather and Lionblaze: HOLLYLEAF! :D

Hollyleaf: That's my name, don't wear it out. :3

Firestar: Uh.. Who's that cat? O_O

Sandstorm: I don't know, Firestar, I don't know.

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