Chapter 2.

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"Another Evans." The hat said to her, "very kind I see, also smart, a thrust to prove yourself. You fit three of this." The hat was on her head for a few minutes before calling out.

"Let it be Slytherin!!" The hat called out, the Slytherin house glared at her as she walked over. She took a seat at the very end of the table not looking at anyone. She had completely given in and shrunk to her body, feeling insecure of the eyes staring at her bigger body. The body that she thought wasn't good enough, a body that wasn't anything like Lily's or Petunia's.

"Stupid mud blood." The Slytherins whispered up and down the table. A curtain of hair hung down in front of her face blocking out unwanted eyes. Soon dinner was over, and she was walking down the hallway.

"Hey Jasmine?" She turned around to see Lily and her new puppies. "Are you okay? You didn't eat more than one plate." They all started laughing at her and she turned around to walk away. She didn't notice two boys in the shadow feeling bad for her. Them knowing the feeling of not belonging, one was a subject to the moon and the other was a subject to insecurity itself.

Jasmine didn't wait for anyone to stand up for her, she just turned around and walked down to the Slytherin dungeon catching up with the prefect. When she found her way to her room, the other girls glared at her. Jasmine grabbed clothes out of her trunk and walked into the bathroom. She turned the water on a very hot temperature, she sank down the side of the wall as she welcomed the tears and the misery that she realized was her life. Drowning out the laughing and the mocking in her head, just to welcome her own thoughts, the thoughts that owned her mind. Those thoughts controlled her body, her feelings, and herself.
The crisp winter air was nipping at Jasmine's nose, she was bundled up as she walked to Hagrid's hut. Jasmine wasn't eating as much as she used to in a house she thought wouldn't judge her. She was basically the boy in the family, the one who ate the leftovers, and the one who was open to trying anything despite what people would tell her.
Jasmine made it to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door, she had taken a liking to the tall man. He invited her in and she saw three people she disliked very much. Her sister with her goons.

"Jasmine." Lily said.

"Lily." Jasmine responded, Jasmine sat down with her legs crossed next to Hagrid's dog like creature. The girls were talking to Hagrid about an assignment they had in care for magical creatures. Jasmine sat on the ground with fang playing tug-of-war with him and holding on to the end of the blanket.

"Jasmine would you like a piece of coffee cake?" Hagrid asked, Jasmine saw the looks from Lily and Marlene. Jasmine politely declined.

"I would love some but I have potions homework I need to do, next time." Hagrid looked down but the two girls were smirking and had a wicked gleam in their eyes. Jasmine opened the door and 4 boys were right there, the tallest boy with scars had his hand up to knock. The boy in the back with blonde hair smiled, "get out do the way fatso." Sirius said and the girl moved to the side.

"Bye Jasmine." Hagrid said with a wave, Jasmine gave a wave and smiled walking out the door and closing it. She walked a few paces in the chilly air when she heard her name called. She saw the blonde boy running up to her, he was a little chunky but thought he was cute anyways.

"I'm sorry about them." He said in a quiet voice looking down at his hands. Jasmine moved forward and a placed her hands encasing his. He looked up into her brown eyes.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." He looked at her with doe eyes.

"You wanna know something?" He asked and she raised an eyebrow and he continued, "you're the nicest Slytherin I've met this year." He smiled when he saw her laugh.

"You're the nicest person I've met this year." His eyebrows furrowed as she walked away, what could she have meant by that? He asked himself watching her self retreat into the large doors of the castle.

"Pete ya coming?" Sirius called from the door, he turned around.

"Yes I'll be there in a minute." He took a few deep breaths before walking back into the small cottage. He was hoping that Jasmine was alright, that she wasn't plastering on a fake smile like him.
Hey guys! I'm hoping you're enjoying these chapters, the chapters are quick because I want to get into the actually story. These are more like back ground information chapters.

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