Chapter 45.

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Jasmine walked into class since Remus was there, she figured he was still getting over from what happened last night. Class was boring as usual when a note flew over her head. She opened it to see mudblood written. Jasmine rolled her eyes and tossed it to the side.

"Ms. Evans, there is no note passing in class." McGonogall said and Jasmine looked at her with wide eyes.

"I didn't pass a note, it was passed to me. You can read it if you'd like." Minerva made her way and picked up the note, what she read made her grimace and Jasmine just raised her eyebrow at the professor.

"Okay, you're out of detention." Jasmine smiled and rolled her eyes when her professor wasn't looking.
Once they were all let go of class Jasmine had free period so she went straight to the medical wing.

"Hello?" Jasmine said Pomfrey turned around to see the girl.

"Hello Jasmine, take this. Redress the wounds and clean the cuts of the student in that bed." Jasmine nodded and took the dressings for the wound. Jasmine turned the curtain to see Remus lying there, he was shirtless but wrapped in bandages.

Jasmine quickly grabbed a tin of water that she could use and a sponge, she carefully unwrapped his arms. She took Remus's wrist and starting softly cleaning the cuts. Remus's eyes shot open as he flinched.

"Hey Remus, you're okay. I'm just cleaning the cuts." He took a deep breathe and nodded. Remus watched as she cleaned the cuts on his arms. He cleared his throat and Jasmine looked up.

"When did you start taking care of people?" He cracked a smile.

"I started so I could learn healing to be auror, not to just take care of you." She smiled, the rest of their group came in with Lily. Jasmine internally groaned and rolled her eyes where they couldn't see. Remus let out a chuckle but immediately winced at pain grabbing his stomach.

"What are you doing here Jasmine?" Lily asked with a narrowed look everyone seemed to notice except for James.

"I'm cleaning Remus's wounds, I'm not going to have sex with him on this bed." Remus had a light flush on his face, but Jasmine was sure Lily was blushing even more. Jasmine grabbed Remus's other hand and started cleaning it. His hand was gripping Jasmine's wrist as she cleaned. "Hey, you're okay. We're almost done with your hands." She whispered softly to him.

A whimper emitted from his mouth and Jasmine leaned down kissing him.
"All done with you're hands. Peter will you pass me the dressings?" Peter nodded and handed her the wrap for his hands. Jasmine gently wrapped Remus's arms and his hand and tied it off. She kissed the places where it was wrapped.

"I need to do your chest now. Anywhere else besides your chest I should know about?" Jasmine asked him and saw his face flush pink, he nodded. "Do you just not want me to treat that spot or because of certain person in here." She whispered to him.

"It's in a spot I don't want you to clean with Lily in here." He whispered back and Jasmine nodded.

"I'll kick her out when we get to that part." He smiled and muttered a thank you. "Anything for you darling. Now grip onto my arm or something because this is going to hurt."
He nodded, as she laid the sponge on his chest he gripped her arm.

"So Moony, what's your plan tomorrow?" Prongs asked moving forward.

"Probably stay in here for tomorrow as well, then I should be fine." He winced as Jasmine pressed to hard and apologized quickly. "It's alright."

"Will you sit up?" She asked and he nodded, Jasmine and Sirius who was on the other side lifted him up gently. Jasmine took the wrap and starting spinning it around him to keep the bandage in place, adding later by later until she was finished. "Where's the other spot? I'm not gonna clean it till she leaves I just wanna know where it is." Remus leaned heavily against her body as she had to support his weakened state.

"Somewhere I don't want her to see. It's down my leg close to my crotch." He muttered against her neck.

"Lily will you leave?" Jasmine said.

"What! Why? Remus is much of a friend to me as I am to him." Jasmine snorted.

"Yeah, that's why I want you to leave for this next part." Remus growled at her, Lily was outraged and left.

"What the Hell! She has every right to stay in here!" James yelled, Jasmine shushed him. Sirius and Peter were confused.

"I don't want her to accidentally see my dick while Jasmine's cleaning my leg." Remus whisper-yelled at James. James went wide-eyes and went to apologize to Remus. Remus held up his hand to upset to say anything. James took that as a sign to walk out.

"Has this cut touched your love machine at all?" Jasmine asked making Sirius smirk. Remus went bright red and moved his leg over the side of the bed.

"Just be careful, this probably hurts more than my chest." Remus slipped the pants he had on now down his leg to reveal a large and deep cut, it went from the top of his left side to the right and down his leg. Sirius leaned over Remus's shoulder to look at the gash. "Shit." Remus muttered when he finally got the sweats off.

"Okay lean back." Jasmine covered his manly bits with the blanket.

"Why is Pomfrey having you do this?" Sirius asked her and speaking of the devil.

"Because I'm having her do it, you are her men and she should know how to take care of this for when you graduate. Especially that one." Pomfrey said poking her head in, she had dressed the cut the first time. "Besides, I don't want to embarrass him anymore for having to clean that cut." Pomfrey winked at Jasmine before closing the curtain again. Remus groaned pulling the pillow over his head.

"This is going to hurt Remus, hold on to Peter and Sirius so you don't accidentally choke me. Not that I would mind-"

"Just get on with it!" Remus yelled at her causing them all to laugh. She pulled the blanket down just a little bit so she could see the full cut. She dipped the sponge in water before placing it on the cut. Remus's body immediately tensed up at the feeling and he let out a groan in pain.

Slowly but surely Jasmine was able to clean him up nicely on his waist. She pulled the blanket to cover in between his legs.

"Almost there Moony." Sirius said kissing the side of his cheek.

"It hurts." Remus kept mumbling.

"I know it hurts but she's almost done." Peter said from next to him, watching as Jasmine moved to examine his leg.

"The cut moves to the inside of his legs so, just to warn you it might get a little intimate. I might rub you accidentally." She said as she pulled the sheet to the side. After she cleaned his leg and bandaged it, Remus let out a puff of air.

"Do any of you have chocolate by chance?" Peter smiled and pulled out a small chocolate bar breaking a piece off for the boy on the bed. "Thanks Wormtail."

"You're welcome Moony." They all smiled and started talking about different school subjects before they were pushed out by Madame Pomfrey.

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