Chapter 13.

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"Peter..." Jasmine placed her hands on his chest, "I can't. It's not you, it's me." He looked like he was going to cry.

"Jasmine what can I do?" He asked and Jasmine just shook her head, Peter's hands were on the sides of her arms.

"That's just it Peter. I don't think you can do anything. I'm just broken." She left him standing there in the hallway, she was walking down the hall when she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw Remus standing there with Sirius by his side.

"Jasmine?" They looked at her, she seemed upset. She pushed them away, and they moved forward to touch her.

"Don't touch me." She snapped at them. "Just don't talk to me." She stumbled a bit as she turned around, Sirius reached out again. But when he touched she slapped him, thinks began to shake and she couldn't control her self. The birthplace of the strongest wizards was being shaken by one small girl.

"Jasmine...." Remus quietly said reaching out to her, stunned by the range of her magic that was solely based on her emotions. She kept moving backwards, this is the first time that they had ever seen her cry, they watched as the tears streamed down her face.

"Jasmine!" Peter called out rushing forwards but Sirius gripped his waist, Jasmine couldn't breathe her body was shaking.

"Just stay away from me." She said before running off to the Slytherin dungeons.

"What the bloody hell was that about!" Sirius called out to no one in particular.

"I think it was my fault." Peter admitted looking down. Sirius and Remus looked at him with furrowed brows.

"What do you mean?" Remus asked him and Peter just shook his head.

"It's okay Pete you can tell us." Sirius whispered from behind him.

"I sort of asked to kiss her, it's like I'm drawn to her. I think she's our soulmate." He told them and they sighed.

"We know Peter, we found out at the dance." Peter looked at them and he was angry.

"And you didn't tell me!" He shouted at them, Remus moved forward slowly to hug the boy. Peter tried to reject and move back, but Remus pulled him in for a hug.

"She made us swear we wouldn't tell you or James. Who knows what James will do when he finds outs." Sirius said.

"When I find out what?" James asked popping out of no where.
Jasmine ran into the common towards her dorm, ignoring people's looks as she did. She made it to the bathroom, locked the door and slid down it. She couldn't breathe and her chest was heavy.

"Jasmine?" She heard from the other side but she ignored them. "Jasmine open the door." They called out again.

She moved from the door to the wall next to the bathtub/shower. She sat there her hands in her hair, she was trying to control her breathing. The person got the door open, it was Bellatrix with Narcissa and Severus. Also a very not happy Lucius next to his fiancé.
"Jazzy." She looked up at the nickname, Bellatrix crouched in front of the girl.

"What happened?" She looked at the younger girl, she was a mess. Her mascara running down her face and her hands gripping her hair so hard she could rip it all out.

"I told him I couldn't love him, he told me he loved me. But I can't- I can't lead him in. I can't love him when I don't love myself." Bellatrix didn't know who him was, but she knew that the younger girl had a darker mind than she led on.
"What are you keeping from me?" James asked them and they all just shook their heads.

"It's nothing." Remus and Peter said at the same time.

"Nothing my arse, I want to know. Is it about the soulmate stuff? Lily is my soulmate!" James argued with his other soulmates, he was so sure that their last soulmate was Lily and they just couldn't see it.

"James! It's not Lily! Get that through your thick skull, and into that pea-sized brain of yours! Lily is not our soulmate!" Peter yelled at him, Peter has never yelled at James and this surprised them all.

James looked at him enraged.
"Lily is our soulmate! I know it! I get this giddy feeling when I'm with her." He argued, Peter shook his head and turned around. James realized what he was arguing. "Peter-" Peter just lifted his hand and flipped his middle finger up as he walked away.

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