Chapter 30.

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It was towards the end of summer and Jasmine was walking down Diagon Alley with the boys. She went and got her books already, she was wearing fishnets, black shorts, a red crop top and a leather jacket.

"Jasmine, what had your brother said to you about the girl?" Isak asked and she explained.

"Jasmine come down for breakfast!" Her 'father' shouted from downstairs, they never invited her to come and eat.

"Can I skip?" She asked walking down the stairs, they looked at her and shook their heads.

"No sit down." The only open spot was next to Lily, the two girls were civil towards each other when they really had to be.

"Jasmine, we want you to meet Carter's fiancé Amaya. She went to that witch and magic school in America." Her father said and she stayed clear of emotions. She didn't care, he hadn't been there for a decade and then he shows up saying that he's engaged.

"Are you going to say anything?"  Carter asked her in anger, Jasmine sighed.

"Nothing besides this family has anger issues." She responded with a sarcastic smile before letting it drop.

"You know what! You're not grateful for everything that this family has given you! You're just a stuck up whore!" Her father yelled at her. Jasmine suddenly stood up, the chair scraped against the wooden floor.

"I didn't ask to be born! I didn't ask to be apart of this stupid fucking family! I have been compared to Lily and Petunia since day 1, Petunia is engaged and is getting married next week! I'm just the slut who lives here and is downgraded by her so called family!" She yelled at them, Amaya sat there awkwardly playing with her fingers.

"You're just a selfish brat, you've done nothing for this family." Her father said pointing his finger at her and speaking in a low voice.

"Who took care of you when you had gotten sick and mum was cheating on you! Except you wouldn't believe me that she was cheating on you! Who took care of you after mum died, I did! Except you didn't listen to me and became a lazy ass drunk!" She yelled tears welling her eyes and her chest heaving up and down. Jasmine's father moved to her and slapped her face, Amaya let out a gasp at what had just happened and her yes were wide. Lily's smirk that was once on her face disappeared and her jaw was now open.

"You're a disgrace, now this is why your mum liked the others better." Jasmine started laughing, they all looked at her confused.

"You think that hurts?" They all stared at her not knowing what to do, Jasmine turned towards Amaya. "Welcome to the family, big sis." She did a small bow before walking upstairs.

"He didn't do anything, just introduced his fiancé." She had become quiet, covering up the bruises from her father. He would beat her when Lily wasn't home which was most of the time. They heard some laughing and yelling and noticed the rest of the marauders running down the pavement.

Remus and an older couple were smiling and following them. Remus caught eyes with Jasmine, he noticed the same cloudy walls in her eyes had been built back up which confused him. He stopped walking and she broke eye contact as soon as James had come up to Remus.

"You okay love?" He asked the tall boy, Remus nodded but wasn't paying attention.

"Excuse me, I've gotta go do whatever it is I have to do." Euphemia and Fleamont looked at the strange actions of the boys as he started swimming through the crowd of people.

Jasmine had quickly ducked her head from the gaze of Remus. She was hoping he didn't see her, she was still owling them but didn't want to face them.

"Jasmine!" A voice called out causing all of the boys to turn towards where it was coming from.

"Hi Remus." She said quietly, he looked at her in worry. The other boys looked at him.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you." He said awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets, he looked at the boys who were smiling at him.

"We'll leave you alone." Isak said backing up and Jasmine went to say something but he was already got.

"Jasmine. I've missed you." He said taking slow steps forward. Not knowing that they were being watched, she looked down at her feet which caused Remus to be worried. "What's wrong? Is it me?" She looked at him and quickly shook her head.

"No, it's definitely not you." She was rubbing her fingers trying to get rid of the anxiety infesting her body.

"Then what's wrong?" He rested his hands on her sides causing her to flinch. Remus's eyebrows furrowed. "Jasmine did someone hurt you?"

"I've got to go." She muttered quickly but Remus grabbed her before she got to far. He pulled her very carefully touching her body to his and rested his forehead on hers.

"Who did this?" He asked her, his heart was breaking at the thought of her getting hurt. He noticed how she wasn't her confident usual self, she was caving into her own body the longer Remus held her.

"It doesn't matter." She said looking into his eyes before ripping herself from his arms.

"Remus!" James called out running to where they are, "what are you doing talking to the snake?" James sneered at Jasmine.

"She's my soulmate James, of course I'm talking to her." Remus said. Jasmine stood up on her tippy toes kissing the sandy haired boy's cheek.

"I'll see you at school Remus." She turned around and walked away, her arms wrapped around her body. Remus noticed how she was turning into her old self again, the one before she left. The girl who always hid beneath her sister's shadow and took on all the hate.

"Remus, ill ask you again. What are you doing with the ugly ass snake?" James asked looking at him, Remus turned and punched the boy square in the face.

"Stop talking about her like that, you don't know shit about her." Remus said and walked off, he left James looking stunned with wide eyes and blood running down his nose. Remus walked back to the group, James behind him.

"What happened to you?" Sirius asked as he watched James wiping blood from his nose.

"Ask Moony." He grumbled. They all looked at Remus who was looking at the alley they just came from.

"Let's go get ice cream." Euphemia suggested, and the boys nodded. They walked into the store, they stood at the counter. Once they ordered they turned and looked at Remus.

"What do you want Son?" Fleamont asked him.

"I don't want any." He said and went to find a booth while they were all getting their ice cream. The adults looked at each other and shrugged. Peter and Sirius gave each other worried looks, Remus never denied sweets especially when he could get chocolate.

They watched as Remus laid his head on his arms playing with a sugar pack on the table.
"Remmy?" Sirius asked From next to him, Remus just turned his head not wanting to talk.

"Remus what's wrong?" Peter calmly spoke looking at him from across the table.

"It's Jasmine."

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