Chapter 19

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Today was Sunday so it was free for them to do whatever. They decided to go to Hogsmeade, Jasmine walked into her closet trying to decide what to wear. She ended up with Flare leather pants and a Beatles shirt. She put a leather jacket on top, she did her hair in French braids and put her glasses on after doing her light makeup. She put on some heeled boots and was ready to go.

She walked down the stairs ignoring the whispers of mudblood going around the room.
"Good morning Jazzy." Bella said coming up and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Good morning Bella. Ready to celebrate our victory from yesterday?" Bella nodded as they walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast,
"Good morning to my dear and fellow snakes that hate and are jealous of me." Jasmine said sitting down at her house table.

"Goodmorning." Regulus chimed and she smiled at him, it was his first year being able to go to Hogsmeade.

"Where are we going first today?" Narcissa asked and the trio smiled.

"The three broomsticks." Severus said walking and sitting down on the table.

"Hi Sev." He smiled at her, they began talking about random things, ignoring the obvious glares coming from the Gryffindor table. They stopped talking when Dumbledore stood up.

"Good morning students, we would love to congratulate our winners of the match yesterday." He said pointed his open hand to the Slytherins. They began clapping and cheering, No other houses were cheering but them.

The 4 boys noticed Jasmine smiling and her glasses.
"Look James, she's got glasses like you." James looked at her and he seemed to have his mood lifted slightly by her smile.

"You're hooked Prongs." They all looked at Remus with a raised eyebrow. "It's another word for Stag." They smiled at him.

"I like it, from now on I shall be called Prongs. Only from you 3." James said smiling making the other boys smile.

"We should now name the rest of us so we can have code names." Peter suggested and they nodded.

"Furry for Remus." Sirius said and they all looked at him, "what? You said put suggestions in, that's what I'm doing." The boys started laughing and Sirius let out a whine.

"How about Howler." James said with a smile.

"That's worse than furry." Sirius argued with the boy, they began having a heated discussion until Peter cut in.

"How about Moony?" The boys stopped talking and Remus nodded.

"That's a lot better than Howler and Furry." He grimaced at the sound of them.

"Now for Peter and Sirius." James said tapping his chin.

"Hi boys." Lily said smiling and they smiled back.

"Hi Lily." They responded in unison. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." They all responded and she looked at them with furrowed brows, she just shrugged and went to sit by the girls a long with Frank.

"How about Shaggy?" James asked Sirius and he had a look of disgust.

"No, that's not. No. No Shaggy, just no and that's end of discussion." He said eating a piece of toast.

"What about Paws?" Remus suggested, he shrugged. James tapped his chin again, "James why do you tap your chin?"

"Because it makes me feel smart." He responded.

"Your not so get over it." Sirius responded, James death glared at him. All of a sudden the two boys got up, James was sprinting after Sirius trying to get after them.

"You going to finish breakfast Peter or are you coming with me?" Peter nodded grabbing another piece of toast before trying to catch to the tall Sandy haired boy.
The group of Slytherin students were walking the streets of Hogsmeade. They were talking about quidditch, well mostly Bella and Jasmine. Jasmine walked into the the building and got a booth, as youngest Regulus was getting the drinks.

"So Reggie, what do you want to do?" He shrugged.

"I'll probably work for the ministry." Jasmine gave him a light smile, "what about you?"

"I'm going to be an auror." They all began talking again and the day was filled with fun and everyone was happy.
Jasmine had classes with Gryffindors today and she wasn't happy, that meant she had to be in a class with her soulmates. It's not that she didn't want them, she just didn't want to open up to them.
"Mr. Potter I will move you if I have to." Professor McGonogall told the two boys that were talking. They were back to talking 5 minutes later and she looked like she was going to blow a gasket. "Mr. potter move next to Ms. Evans." He moved and was going to sit By Lily but was stopped. "The other Evans."

James moved and walked over towards Jasmine, he gave a huff and sat down in the seat.
"Jasmine." He said and she smiled.

"James, love, I didn't know we were on a first name basis lately?" She loved watching him get so irritated, he made it really irritated.

"We're not."

"That's a shame." She smiled at how irritated she made the boy. Minnie on the other hand was one step closer to winning her bet with Albus.

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