Chapter 18.

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The boys brought Jasmine in the Slytherin common room. She just sat down looking at the fire place, the only sound was the crackles and pops coming from the fire.

"Don't." They all went quiet, after a few minutes she stumbled along the common room. "I'm going to bed." With that she left up into her room.
Jasmine woke up with a groan, it was the quidditch match today and it was against Gryffindor. She couldn't wait to hit some lions, she changed into some jeans and a Slytherin jumper. She walked into the common room and saw Bella standing there with Sev and Narcissa.

"You ready Jazzy?" She nodded and they headed towards the Great Hall, when they got into the hall there was fit about the Slytherins for quidditch.

"Oi! Evans, get over here!" He shouted at her, the girl raised her eyebrow and he cowered under her heavy glare. "We need you to eat, you're no good if a beater if you don't have strength."

She sat down placing eggs, bacon, and a waffle. Jasmine had basically inhaled her food, she finished just as they were all getting up to put their gear on. When she walked into the tent she didn't care and changed with the boys in the tent, "Oi! What's with the scar on your back?" Evans turned around to look at Goyle.

"Hippogriff." She turned back around putting her jersey on ignoring the stares from the boys, her and Bellatrix didn't really care about changing with boys.

"That's a nasty scar on your face to." Malfoy said walking into the tent.

"Yea, that's what happens when you get a attacked by a werewolf." She walked out with the rest of the team, her broom and bat in hand.
James Potter and Sirius Black watched as she walked onto the field, she was the shortest of all the people there.

"I didn't know she was a bloody beater." Sirius whispered panicked at James.

"Sirius, calm down. You're the beater for our team, just keep the Bludger away from her." James responded, he noticed Sirius' panicked expression and grabbed his shoulders. "Sirius it's going to be fine."

"Yea, yea okay.

All of the players got to their positions in the air. The match had started, Sirius whacked the bludger towards Slytherin's keeper which was Goyle. Jasmine rushed forward slamming her stick into the Chaser on Gryffindor. The bludger smacked the boy hard and he fell to the ground, Slytherins gained the quaffle and were off towards Wood who was the keeper.

Jasmine kept tabs on Regulus who was the Seeker, he's the newest addition to the group. Jasmine doesn't mind him, he was a very sweet person. One of the Prewett twins hit the bludger towards Regulus who was the seeker. Him and James were at each other's throats as they raced for the snitch. Bellatrix hit the bludger to Jasmine, Jasmine took the opportunity and whacked it hard at James. James didn't see it coming at it smacked him right in the shoulder sending him down, Regulus was inches away from the snitch when Bellatrix had to hit the bludger from him.

Sirius was trying to whack the bludger but was hit down by it instead, he looked up and saw Jasmine moving back and forth hitting the crazy ball. He quickly got back in his broom trying to make it through the weaving colors of Green and Red. He watched as Regulus grabbed the small yellow ball in his hands, the announcer called it out.

"Slytherin Wins!" They all cheered when they landed on the ground. Sirius looked at James who was walking up to Jasmine(more like stomping).

"Jasmine." He said, she turned around and smirked at the rage filled face of James Potter.

"What can I do for you James? Come to congratulate our win?" Jasmine knew she was irritating him, she was waiting for him to blow his gasket. Sirius walked up putting his arm around James' shoulder.

"Hi Jasmine." She looked at Sirius and gave a light tipped smile. "You have very excellent aim by the way."

"Thanks for the compliment." She winked at the two boys walking away.

"What an arse." James muttered, Sirius was watching her walk away.

"I know." James looked at where Sirius was looking at smacked his head. "Ouch! What I can't help it. She's hot! She's our soulmate! I'm hooked!"

"Whatever." James grumbled, Remus furrowed his brows as he walked up noticing James angry expression.

"What's up with him?" Remus asked.

"You mean besides losing the match?" Remus nodded, "he is mad at Jasmine for her knocking him on his arse."

"Says the one who was looking at her arse." James mumbled and Remus smiled, Peter walked over and looked at them all with a confused face as to why James and Sirius were grinning and James was pouting.

"Was it nice?"

"Yes." Both James and Sirius mumbled. The group looked at James with wide eyes as he went red.

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