Chapter 16.

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It's been a week and quidditch try outs were today. It was Saturday and Jasmine was dressing in her gear. She has a broom that's he had bought with the money they got from singing at the three broom sticks. She walked out and onto the field, she saw the group sitting in the high seats next to field.

"Hey Evans." She looked over and saw Lucius standing there with a smirk on his face.


"What're you doing here?" She rolled her eyes.

"Why else would I be here?"

"Good luck, you'll need it mudblood."

"Thanks you narcissistic Wanker." Patrick Goyle was the captain of the team. He was also a seventh year, he was okay. He was another pure blood supremacies followed in Jasmine's eyes.

"We're going to split up in teams for the position you're trying out for." Jasmine and Bellatrix were the only girls there, they just so happened to both be trying out for beaters. The girls were happy they were on the same team both as beaters.

"You ready jazzy?" She looked at the shorter girl, and Bellatrix smiled for the first time in front of everyone. It wasn't one of her smirks it was a genuine smile.

"I'm always ready, Belle." They both hugged and flew up on their broom, the guys you could tell were laughing from the other team that they had two girls as their beaters. One of the bludgers were heading towards the chasers and Jasmine rushed forward hitting it with a wack of her stick. The guys all looked stunned when it hit the keeper of the other team.

After the tryouts were done Patrick was calling out the names of the people who made, he then got to the two beater positions.
"The beaters are Evans and Black." The two girls cheered and hugged each other while the boys whined, Lucius didn't make the cut which surprisingly made Jasmine feel good.

"Congratulations." Jasmine turned around to be met with Peter.

"Pettigrew." Bella said with a snarl.

"What do you want Peter." Jasmine asked with a hand on her hip, she had her eyebrow raised and her expression made him nervous.

"I wanted to see if you were okay." That confused both Slytherin members.

"Okay about what?"

"You were okay about what Lily said?"

"What did she say?" Peter let out a squeak and ran off.

"Can we torture the answers out of the Bitch?" Jasmine did a small head tilt weighing it as an option.

"Endless you want to get expelled no, if you do want to get expelled then yes go ahead." Jasmine said with a chuckle. Soon they headed into the castle for dinner, Bella went up to shower but Jasmine didn't see the point. It was time for food and she was hungry.

Jasmine turned her head to be met with direct eye contact, she was staring into beautiful golden brown eyes that she seemed to get lost in. She got pulled out of her hazy dream to see it was James Potter. She turned her head back towards Bellatrix and they started in a conversation.

"James." Remus said finally getting the attention of him. James turned his head fixing his glasses.

"What?" Remus just shook his head continuing to read his book. "Your staring at her, you sure she's not your soulmate?" James turned pink and hid his face.

"I am not!" He mumbled against his arm as his head was on the table.

"Please, Mate. She's got us all wrapped around her finger." Sirius said in a voice as he dreamily stared at the Evans girl.

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