Chapter 11.

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"Welcome, everyone to the Hogwarts Winter Ball. It is for charity towards Hogwarts, we would like to welcome all of those from the ministry." Dumbledore told all of them, it was more like December 2nd. "For tonight we are having two entertainers. They are your entertainment tonight. First we have the Marauders." He walked off the stage, it was mostly people from the 3 houses. None of the adults or Slytherins were cheering.
"Okay, we're doing an auction! First up is James Potter!" James walked out and everyone was calling out money and blah blah. They did the same for Remus and Sirius. When Peter got on nobody was bidding. Jasmine walked into the crowd.

"10 galleons bitches!" Jasmine called and they all looked at her. They were surprised that she called his name out.

"Alright! Jasmine Evans wins the date with Peter Pettigrew." Jasmine smiled and he smiled back.

"You didn't tell me you had a thing for my brother." A voice whispered.

"I mean he is my soulmate Isak." She whispered back so no one could hear. "Did you make out with your girl." She took a look at his swollen lips and messy hair.

"Oh please. When do I not?" He laughed, "but seriously, I thought that you wanted to make him wait?"

"Oh I still do, but the damn soulmate stuff makes me feel bad for him. Which I honestly kind of do." Isak snorts. "Is nate here?"

"Hi Jazzy." Nate popped up beside them.

"Hi Nathaniel." Nate rolled his eyes but hugged her still. People were starting to stare at them, she could feel Remus' eyes on her too. "I have to perform so talk to you later." Jasmine told them doing awkward finger guns then turning around. The two boys just laughed at her.

"Now for those of you who like Christmas music, this group will be mostly singing it. Please welcome the Acappella Owls." Mariah Lee said into the microphone. They all walked into the stage and everyone was looking at them, some recognized them from The Three Broomsticks.

Now it was mostly the adults and Slytherins clapping. The marauders lost Peter as the member of their group since he got sick. Jasmine could see Lily cuddled up to James, she could also see that Remus and Sirius were annoyed.

James was beyond furious when he saw they were getting applause and people were dancing.
"James Mate, chill out." Remus said, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her.

"You want to win don't you?" Lily asked following Remus' gaze. Lily wanted to be James soulmate but not the others which was the problem. Remus grabbed Jasmine's hand making her turn around.

"We seriously need to talk." She turned around and folded her arms. He pulled her away from the others which made them and the Marauders confused.

"I'm pretty sure you're our soulmate." He whispered to her.

"I know I am." He froze and looked at her.

"You knew and you didn't tell us?" He sounded hurt.

"Remus, you were nice but you never stood up for me against James, Lily, or Sirius. Peter is the same story. James and Sirius basically body shamed me in front of everyone. And not to mention James looks pretty cozy with Lily." He looked down and let out a whimper. "It's not that I don't want you, i just wanted you guys to figure it out yourselves and try to gain my trust back." He lifted his head immediately and pulled her in for a hug.

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