Chapter 47.

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It's been a few weeks and rumors spread around Hogwarts like wildfires in the summer, Jasmine had started sitting at the Slytherin table again to avoid James. The other boys understood.

"Good morning Reggie." Jasmine kissed his cheek taking her spot next to the curly haired boy and on the other side was Severus. "Hi Severus."

"Evans." She still smiled at his cold voice,

"Are you ready to be the potions master I know you are when we graduate and torture some students?" Severus tried to hide the light tipped smile he had which made her smile even more.

"Yes, I do plan on becoming the potions teacher. Are you still becoming an auror?" Jasmine shook her head.

"I'm starting a band with my brothers," Severus gave her a confused look but Jasmine just turned to Regulus. "What do you plan on doing Reg?"

The boy shrugged and continued to eat his porridge.
"I guess that's cool." Regulus smiled at her and watched as she got up. She was the happiest Slytherin even with the rumors that were whispered in the hallway around her.


It was the end of the year and Jasmine graduated with the rest of the boys, soon enough Dumbledore had asked her into a room.

"Jasmine I'm sure you know of the dark lord that's rising," Jasmine nodded. She ought to since it's her cousin, "I'm putting together a group of people. It's going to be an army that runs out side of the ministry's order. I want you to join it, Nate and Isak have already agreed to it. But you three can spy in the pure blood homes since you're doing music as your career are you not? I've also asked Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black, and Mr. Pettigrew to join." Jasmine looked at him taking in the information.

"Why not? It's not like I have anything better to do with my life." Dumbledore smiled.

"Wonderful, the only thing I worn you is Mr. Potter and your sister have joined as well." Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"I saw the break up coming it's fine, I'm not one to draw attention when not necessary. It'll be fine, but to warn you I could be moving to America."

"That's fine, just apparate to the meetings." Jasmine left the office and walked down the corridor. She needed to head out to the train.

Once she made it to the train she moved to the compartment, she was sitting alone since the three boys she loved made up with her ex and they're back close and yippee again.

The door opened and in came some girls, Jasmine knew they were Lily's friends.
"Jasmine." They said after a few seconds and the girl turned her head to look at him.

"Yes?" She smiled at Alice and Mary, she always liked those girls.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine gave a soft smile to Mary and Alice.

"I'll be fine." The girls knew Lily was also in the wrong, all of them except Marlene. Dorcas came in with sweets and offered some to Jasmine who declined.

"I heard Dumbledore asked you join as well, what will be your cover job?" Alice asked and Jasmine took a deep breath.

"I'm doing music, it will be performing at pure blood parties and we can spy if we need."


Jasmine had spent the whole train ride talking to the girls, the boys were meeting her after. But Jasmine couldn't help but feel the ping of hurt that they didn't come sit with her.

"Sorry Jasmine." Peter said when he bumped into her.

"It's fine." Jasmine heard her name being called, she furrowed her brows and looked at a girl with curly blonde hair running towards. "Honey!" Jasmine called out dropping her trunk and collided with the girl in a massive hug. Honey knew about the break up and decided she would surprise her best friend.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the girl and Honey shrugged.

"I thought I would surprise you, I mean look at this train. It's gorgeous and so are this hunks of men." Honey whispered in her ear and looked at Peter, Sirius, and Remus.

"Yea, I guess. I need to go to Petunia's to grab my stuff. She knows I'm moving out today." Honey nodded and they both looked at the boys. "I'll meet you at the house?" They nodded.

The soulmates had bought a small cottage, it was bigger than it looks on the inside. There were 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
"Let's go Honey, Petunia has always loved you." Honey smiled, Petunia wasn't the kindest but she was nicer to Jasmine than she was Lily. Lily stopped talking to Petunia when she left for Hogwarts, Jasmine still talked to her older sister.
The girls apparated and knocked on the door. Petunia opened the door and smiled widely.

"It's lovely to see you Honey, and you too I guess Jasmine." The three girls started laughing and walked inside.

"It's nice to see you too big sister, hi Vernon." Vernon grumbled and scowled at her which was normal.

"I'm going to put on some tea and let's pack your stuff." Jasmine nodded, Jasmine preferred to do things how she grew up so she didn't become dependent on her magic. After the girls packed all the stuff Jasmine made the boxes small so she could fit them in her trunk.

"How was the last year?" Jasmine didn't mention the break up with James.

"It was okay, I could've been better." Jasmine gave her sister a small smile as she took a sip of her tea.

"What happened?" Petunia turned to Honey and the curly haired girl looked at Petunia.

"James cheated on Jasmine with Lily." Petunia shook her head.

"Never liked that boy, the others I liked, him not so much." They girls kept talking before Jasmine and Honey left. Once they arrived at the house Jasmine started decorating.

"This looks nice." Peter said walking in to see Honey and Jasmine sat at the table. The girl nodded and smiled.

"Where's Remus and Sirius?" Peter shrugged and grabbed one of the biscuits from the tray. Jasmine kept talking with Honey and Peter, when Honey left Peter and Jasmine headed to bed.

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