Chapter 34.

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Jasmine had gotten onto the platform after she driving to the train station, Petunia was coming to pick the car up later. She walked onto the platform with her owl cage and trunk. She got onto the train and walked into a compartment. The girl set her stuff down when arms wrapped around her waist.

"Hi Remmy." She said as she took in his intoxicating smell of aftershave and chocolate.

"Hi darling." He said turning her around and kissing her. "I missed you." He said giving her another kiss.

"I missed you too. Where's Pete?" She also got together with Peter. They have been together for a couple days while her and Remus have been together for about a week.

"He's in our compartment, I want you to come sit with us." He said and she looked at him.

"Remus, James and Sirius both don't like me." Remus rolled his eyes and picked up the girl's trunk.

"Sirius actually really likes you, just keep working with James."

"Sirius doesn't like me, he hooks up. That's why he is called Hogwart's playboy." She said trying to grab her stuff back but Remus was already walking down the train. "Remus!" She called out to him before grabbing her owl and going after him. She walked into the compartment not bothering to knock, Peter was on James's lap making out with him.

"Glad you made it." Remus said with a smirk only making it bigger when she scowled at him.

"You have explaining to do." She stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I want to see your cut first." He told her.

"Sorry, you can't. I'm wearing I waisted pants." Jasmine turned around to walk out the door but Remus grabbed her body.

"I have a blanket we can cover you with so the boys don't see." He sad with a smile.

"I honestly don't even care about them seeing, it's I don't want you to look at the cut." He gave her a look. "Fine you can check on it mum." Remus was pleased that she finally decided to let him look at her cut. She unbuttoned her pants folding them down a little bit and pulling her shirt up.

Remus Unwrapped the bandage around her body, he pulled the tops of her pants down a little more before he tapped it lightly.

"Ouch! Remus!" She yelled smacking his hand.

"You know what makes you heal faster?" Sirius asked her and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I really don't want-"

"Sex makes it heal faster." She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Remus not wanting to look at Sirius.

"Sirius shut up!" He glared at their soulmate whose smirk dropped and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying it released the endorphin or whatever it's called making the body work harder and heal better." Sirius said in facts, Remus knew it was psychological part that is not helping in her healing progress.

"Doesn't seem to work on getting rid of you." Jasmine muttered under breathe making Remus chuckle.

"Can you two go somewhere else if you're going to make out?" Sirius asked James and Peter. James rolled his eyes and grabbed Peter's hand.

"We're gonna go to the bathroom. Be back in 15." James said smiling at the red face of Peter. Sirius smiled and walked over to Jasmine and Remus. He placed his hands on the back of the girl's hips and Remus began to bandage her up.

"Sirius.. move away." She told him and he held his hands up. Jasmine buttoned up her pants again and Lily came in.

"Did you just have sex?" She asked as she watched Jasmine pulling up her pants.

"Why does everyone think that?" Jasmine groaned.

"Because you were just button in up your pants Love. But no Lily, we did not have sex. I was checking the cut on her lower abdomen." Remus said making Jasmine roll her eyes.

"Besides Lily, I'm still not ready to lose my virginity." Sirius looked at her with raised eyebrows and Lily smiled.

"You're a virgin?" Sirius asked her and the girl nodded.

"Better for me." Remus said pulling her into his lap.

"I know Sirius isn't a virgin, are you?" She asked Remus and he shook his head.

"I lost my virginity before we tried going out with each other. I mean obviously I've slept with Sirius and the other boys, but I lost my virginity with a gir-" Sirius cut off Remus's rambling.

"I think she gets it Moony. I want to ask you a question though. If you're an animagnus then what are you?"

"My animagnus is an Eagle." She said and they nodded.

"Im a dog, James is a stag, and Peter's a rat." She looked at them, she was trying to figure out what to get the boys and she figure she would help them with something.
"So let me get this straight? You can help us make a map so we can tell who is coming and going?" James asked the girl and she nodded. It's been about 2 months and Christmas is in a few weeks. James and the Slytherin girl have been getting along better, she even has started sitting with them at lunch or any meal.

"Yea, it also shows you secret passageways. If someone tries to use the reveal charm on the map it shows something about the person, or tells them." She said, they were all sitting by the black lake. Jasmine and James were standing trying to see who could skip rocks the farthest.

"So if Filch was coming up, we could see him?" Sirius asked and the girl nodded. Remus smiled seeing as everyone was getting a long now.

"Hey, Where's Peter?" Jasmine asked.

"He said he was meeting someone in Hogsmeade. Somewhere near the shrieking shack or whatever." Jasmine let out a small hum and she skipped a rock on the lake. Sirius let out a groan and plopped backwards stretching out.

"You know what we need to do?" Sirius asked bored of doing homework.

"What would that be pads?" James turned to looked as his soulmate.

"We need to give Jasmine a nickname to put on the map." Jasmine turned to look at them the boys with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean you do help me on full moons, it makes sense for you to join the marauders." Remus said and Jasmine looked to James.

"Only if James is okay with it." She said and the boys looked to James.

"Yeah, it's fine." James said looking at her a little to long. Sirius saw is gaze and smirked.

"I should go, I'm meeting the boys at Hogsmeade." She walked over to Remus giving him a kiss which he happily returned. Waving at the others she walked away and Sirius let out a whine.

"I want to kiss her so bad." He rolled on the grass.

"Why is that?" Remus asked and Sirius's body shot up to look at him.

"Because it's hot watching you two kiss, her lips look so soft, and not to mention she's hot." He said rolling on his stomach as he watched her disappear past the trees with a group of boys.

"Careful Moony, having him talk about this is giving him a boner." James said chuckling making Remus smile and Sirius grow flushed.

"S'not funny." Sirius mumble and James moved towards him.

"How about, we go back to the castle and I can help you. Sound good?" Sirius's eyes lit up as he began to sprint back to the castle.

"Hurry up you're slow. If you don't hurry up, I'll have you do it in the hallway!" Sirius shouted at them causing them to chuckle. Remus packed up his homework and they headed up to the castle.

"Just make sure he doesn't walk right tomorrow." James whispered to Remus as they walked up to their dorm.

"I was already planning on it." Remus whispered back untying is tie.

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