Chapter 7.

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"You're a Pettigrew! Like Peter!" Isak furrowed his brows.

"You know my little brother?" Jasmine nodded and smiled.

"He was the only nice person that I knew at Hogwarts." He nodded.
Soon enough the time for everyone to go back to school came pretty fast, Jasmine was excited that she was transferring schools. She didn't have to face the bullying from her sister, the only person that has visited her is Her dad and Petunia. Jasmine enjoyed Petunia's company and likewise Petunia enjoyed Jasmine's. Jasmine was apparated by one of the care takers to the gates of Ilvermorny, compared to Hogwarts Ilvermorny was small. But unlike Hogwarts you didn't have to ride a train for hours to get to the school.
Guys I'm about to do some big time jumps so I can get to the main points.
It was the start of her 4th year, Nate and Isak were going into their 7th years. The others were going into their 5th. Jasmine was getting the first clue to her soulmate this year and she was excited.

But right now they were getting into rock music lately, so they've been making rock songs. It's mostly Jasmine, Isak, and Nate. The others occasionally came into songs they were singing, this time Avi was singing with them. Isak plays the guitar and Nate does drums

Jasmine has been recording a lot of songs lately. She was recording her last song before going back to school tomorrow.
"Jazzy!" Isak said called and walked in. Jasmine was in a sports bra and sweats, they have a brother sister relationship and they both have soulmates so it's not awkward.


"You have a visitor." She groaned and walked down the stairs to see someone she never wanted to see. Her twin sister, the girl she despised a long with a few others. Gregory had stopped visiting his daughter for what ever reason, Lily had her goons standing with her too.

"What do you want?" The girls seemed surprised by the appearance of Jasmine.

"We're looking for Jasmine Evans." Jasmine rolled her eyes, she hated her name.

"Yea now get on with." Lily was equally shocked.

"You've changed, a lot."

"That's what happens when you don't come talk to your sister for a year." The girls were taken back by how harsh her words were. The girls noticed how Jasmine thinned out but has not gotten any taller, people liked to joke about Jasmine being short. She was 5'3 it's not that short.

"Mum and dad wanted me to tell you that this is your last year at Ilvermorny, you have to attend Hogwarts next year." Jasmine faced had a flood of fury take over face making Alice back up behind Dorcas and Marlene. Jasmine had to admit that Alice was nice, but hated her because she was just like Peter and Remus. They never stood up for her but they were so sorry for their friend.

"Tell them that they should come tell me themselves, oh and tell them they can suck my di-" a clamped over Jasmine's mouth.

"That's enough Jazzy." The girls were shocked to see Isak Pettigrew and Nate Jones. Some of the most popular 7th years at Hogwarts.

"You're friends with her?" Marlene and Lily shouted in unison.

"Is there a problem with that?" Nate asked in his Scottish accent, his voice was deep in a threatening tone. Isak took his hand off of Jasmine's mouth.

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