Chapter 29.

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Peter and Remus took her and they got ice cream, they sat at a table. The boys were telling her a story from the last full moon.
"Peter basically face planted." Remus finished and Peter was bright red.

"That's because I tripped trying to find you." Remus smiled at the blonde boy.

"Yeah, we'll go with that." Jasmine hasn't smiled this much in a long time. Once they had finished their ice cream they decided to go into London and Jasmine was showing them around. They ended up going into a music store because Jasmine wanted a new guitar.

"So are you getting another guitar." Peter asked standing behind her, Peter was 5'11 and Jasmine was 5'1. So he was taller than her, not as much as Remus but still taller than her.

"No, can't afford it. I just like to look at them." She said, they soon left and walked into a book store because Remus wanted more muggle books.

"You can get Ronald Dalph, Jane Austen, one by Stephen King, or Watership down by Richard Adams." Jasmine suggested while Remus was crouched down looking at the books. Remus eventually found the book he wanted.

"Remus let me buy it, you bought ice cream." She said as she was sizing up the taller boy.

"No. I'm going to buy it."

"You don't have any muggle money." Remus stopped for a second before handing her the book.

"Fair point." He said and Peter smiled. Once she paid for the book she handed it to Remus and they walked off. Soon the night bus pulled up and she was going to take it back to her house.

Once they got to her house her parents opened the door.
"Where have you been Jasmine?" Her father questioned her.

"Don't you remember? I told you I was going to Diagon Alley and then I sent an owl that I was going on a date with these two." She said motioning to Peter and Remus who were standing behind her. He was still trying to get used to The whole soulmate thing.

"What are they still doing here?" He asked looking at them.

"Dad who's at the door?" A voice Jasmine hadn't heard in years, her older brother appeared on the other side of the room and they both stopped looking at each other. He was followed by a woman, she had tan skin and tight curly black hair.

"Remus and Peter this is my dad and my brother, Carter." The boys were confused, she probably forgot to mention him.

"I thought Lily was your only sibling?" She questioned, Carter rubbed the back of his neck.

"I thought you weren't going to be back." Her dad said, he probably forgot she was staying at the house until she graduates now.

"If you remember I didn't have a choice, but Remus and Peter need the fireplace to use the floo network." Her dad nodded and she walked with the boys. They took out the container that held the floo powder.

"What's up with your brother?" Peter asked and Jasmine shrugged.

"Are we even supposed to be using magic in front of who ever that is?" Remus asked as the girl looked at them from the other side of the room.

"I'm guessing she went to Ilvermorny because I can sense strong magic from her." She whispered back. They both nodded, Peter kissed her cheek before walking and disappearing in the fire.

"Keep this, if you ever need to visit okay?" Remus said and she nodded as she held the container. Remus planted a kiss on her lips which surprised her, they hear a small gasp coming from the other side of the room to see Lily standing there.

"What was that for?" She asked him in a hushed tone. He smirked as he looked down at her.

"It was a goodbye, and this is." He kissed her again. "I'll see you soon. Don't forget to write." She nodded and he disappeared into the fire place leaving her standing there with people who were waiting to question her.

"Your with Remus Lupin!" Lily shrieked from the stairs.

"Oh shove off of it Lily! You got James so go bitch to someone else." She yelled back at the red head and her father along with Carter looked bewildered.

"Jasmine Ashley Evans! We do not curse in this house!" He shouted at her, she seemed unfazed by his yelling. He continued to yell at her and she just stood there, when he went quiet she looked at him.

"You done? I have stuff to do. So if you don't mind I'm leaving this room." She went to walk up the stairs and Carter blocked her way.

"I want to catch up." She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"You have had over a decade to get in touch." She responded and that made him furious.

"Jasmine shut the hell up and sit down." Her father said in a stern tone, he had been drinking. He had been doing it this last summer, she sat down in one of the leather chairs and they all sat down.

"Now I know I haven't kept in touch with you Jasmine, I meant to but I was busy." He said looking at the girl next to him.

"Busy doing her?" She bluntly stated causing the girl to choke on her water and her father's eyes to widen.

"I'm guessing you're busy doing that boy by how you dress like a whore. I mean, he's probably using you for your body. Which I've got to say, you've lost weight." He said looking at her before taking a drink of Bourbon.

"Not that it's any of your business, " she said getting and taking a swig of the alcohol in his hand and placed it down, "but for your information, I'm a virgin. Have a good night." She said as she walked upstairs and into her room. She climbed out of her window and climbed onto her roof humming the Spider-Man song to herself.

"Spider-Man, Spider-Man does whatever a spider can." She sang to her self quietly before settling in a spot on the roof. She took a cigarette out of her pack and put it to her lips lighting it with a lighter from the gas station. She let the smoke warm her body, she leaned back and looked up at the sky. "I really like Spider-Man." She said randomly to herself before continuing to stargaze.
We're finally getting somewhere on this story, and by we're I mean me.

I really like writing people to treat Jasmine like crap, I don't know why but I do. And then you have the fluff of her and Remus. Such a lovely potential piece of couple.

I hope you guys like it so far, it's a little rocky but I mean. I am going to be writing a little in 6th year, most of the juice happens in 7th, it might change I don't know🤷🏼‍♀️

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