Chapter 4.

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After another horrid year Jasmine had come home, her parents were waiting on the other side of the platform for the girls, Lily walked with Jasmine as they went to their car.
"How was the train ride girls?" Carol asked her daughter as they started their hour drive home.

"It was amazing, we have started to learn about soulmates at school." Lily said, Carol and Gregory looked at each other before turning back to the road. Jasmine hadn't spoken at all, her parents were beginning to worry.

When the family got home they pulled Lily aside.
"Lily, what do you think would be the best thing to help Jasmine?" Carol asked her daughter, Lily's eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean? She's fine." They just shook their heads.

"No, she's not Lily." Gregory tried to convince her.

"I would say sending her some place where she can get help." Lily just shrugged and went up the stairs.

"It's worth a try." Carol told her husband but he shook his head.

"For all we know it could make it worse, it could make her feel like we don't want her." Carol rolled her eyes, her and Gregory ended up shouting back and forth.

"Will you both shut up and just send her to one of those facilities that help people!" Lily shouted at them from the stairs, they looked at her and Gregory sighed rubbing his face. He took a seat on the couch.

"How are we going to tell her." He asked his wife who sat next to him.

"We're just going to have to break it to her."

"Break what to who?" Jasmine asked her parents as she hopped down the stairs. The married couple looked at each other before at her.

"Sweet Pea...." He said, " we need to talk." Jasmine walked over to them slowly.

"What is it? Are you finally letting me go to America?" They shook their heads.

"We've decided that you can go to Ilvermorny for school but you need to go to a facility during the summer. It's about an hour away from here." She looked at them with furrowed brows and went to speak but her mom held up a hand to stop the words from her mouth.

"You're not okay Jasmine, it's okay to be sad. You need to come to us on these things though." Carol says to her.

"Why? You've never cared before." Jasmine questioned her mother, she had a sudden burst of courage. She watched her mother's face contort in anger.

"You should be grateful for everything we have given you! You should be more grateful like your sisters!" She yelled and Jasmine had finally taken enough.

"I'm tired of being compared to them! I'm always compared to them! I'm not as pretty as Petunia, not as smart as Lily! Well maybe I don't want to be like them!" She yelled, her father looked at her wide eyes, he hadn't even realized the comparisons he made.

"Don't raise your voice at me young Lady! You're going to a facility and that's final!" Jasmine let out a frustrated scream and ran up the stairs, she bumped shoulders with Lily hard.

"Watch it Jasmine!" Lily yelled at her but saw how angry she was. Lily was confused, Jasmine never got angry. Jasmine was the peaceful one of the family.

Gregory went up to tell Jasmine that dinner was ready, he walked in to see her picking her bags.

"Where are you going?" He asked her and she just let out a huff turning around into the closet. "Jasmine don't be mad." He said trying to cool her off, things started to shake in the house and he pulled her in for a hug. The shaking worsened and Jasmine pulled away from him.

"Get out! I have a reason to be mad!" She yelled and he didn't listen until she threw a glass vase at him. Luckily it hit the wall and he shut the door. Gregory came down the stairs and saw his family under the table.

"What was that?" Petunia asked.

"Obviously an Earthquake." Gregory shook his head.

"No that was your sister, i got her a little to upset." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Dear, you did nothing wrong. Jasmine is just being a brat." Petunia looked down at her plate, avoiding any gazes. Petunia but her tongue so she didn't fuel Lily's flame.

"When are you sending her away?" Petunia finally spoke up.
Jasmine sat down at the piano in her room, she started playing the keys that formed a melody and started singing the voices in her head.

There was a knock on the door that ripped her from the piano. Her mother came in with a scowl on her face.
"Get downstairs, your father is taking you to the facility."
Jasmine glared at Lily when she saw the smirk on her sister's face.

Jasmine put her trunk in the back of the car and got into the car.
"Hey, this will be good for you." Jasmine ignored her father, she couldn't deny she was glad to get away from Lily.
"This place is nice, me and your mother checked it out. You get fed regularly and they help people." When he realized she wasn't talking anymore he just shut up. When they pulled into the building, it had a large gate in the front and everything. The large round about driveway was in front a large mansion looking building.

 The large round about driveway was in front a large mansion looking building

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