Chapter 41.

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They got off of the train walked over to the carriages, Remus grabbed her hand stopping.
"What's wrong? You're upset I can tell."

"Remus everything is fine, I'm fine." Remus knew she was lying and kept standing there and she stood looking back at him in almost a challenging way.

"I'm not going to stop asking until you tell what is wrong." He said and she just turned around, he followed after her quickly. Once they got on the carriage Sirius wrapped his arm around Jasmine's waist pulling her close and kissed
her forehead. James was no where to be seen and she raised an eyebrow.

"Where's James?" Peter and the boys all looked at her.

"He rode up early with Lily." She rolled her eyes, soon the carriage stopped and they got out walking up to the castle doors.

"Jasmine." She turned around and saw Sirius, Remus, and Peter standing there together.

"What?" She looked at them and they looked at each other.

"Does Lily and James have to Do with why you're so upset?" Peter asked her, she didn't answer and turned around walking up to the doors.

"I'll take that as a yes." Sirius said catching up to her with Peter and Remus behind him. Once they got into the Great Hall. Jasmine was going over to the Slytherin table but Sirius grabbed her by the waist pulling her to Gryffindor. Peter and Sirius sat on either side of her and Remus sat across.

James and Lily were already laughing, Jasmine sat there with her hand on her cheek leaning on the table.
"Talons, love." Peter whispered at she turned her head to the right and looked at him.

"What?" He motioned to her plate, she zoned out through Dumbledore's speech, the one she had listened to repeatedly for the last 7 years.

"You need to eat." He looked at her seriously.

"I'm not hungry." She said, she looked up and Remus was looking straight at her.

"Eat." Dominance and authority laced his voice and she grumbled a bit but listened to him. Peter rolled his eyes, Remus was the more dominant one. Jasmine began taking slower bites despite not being hungry, the boys have noticed she has barely eaten anything today at all.

"I'm going to my common room, I'll see you tomorrow." She said quietly kissing Peter's cheek then the rest of the boys. Sirius grabbed her by the waist, he pulled her her in tight not caring about the people looking as they past to the exit.

"Why don't you come to the Gryffindor common room, maybe even spend the night." Sirius moved his head so his nose was brushing up against hers slightly.

"Maybe on Saturday, we have classes first thing tomorrow." She moved out of his arms, Sirius just let her drop his arms and they dropped to his side.

"There's something wrong with her Moony, she's definitely irritated. And you know how little patience she has when she's irritated." Remus and Peter both nodded.

"You know it probably has to do with the fact that James pretty much ignored her when she came over." Remus stated and Peter furrowed his brows.

"He ignored her?" The boy asked and they both nodded.

"I noticed and I saw how upset she was. I went to check on her the morning we were supposed to be playing quidditch. She wasn't feeling good and that's why we didn't join you Sirius." Remus explained. Sirius made an understanding face, Peter knew how it felt to be overlooked.

"We should take her to the kitchens." Peter suggested and the boys nodded.

"Or we could go to Hogsmeade then she could sleep over in our dorm on Friday and Saturday." The boys agreed and it was decided that they would do that.
Jasmine walked into her lonely dorm, the one that she wasn't aloud to share or tell anyone about. At times like this she wished she had Narcissa or Bellatrix. Even Nate and Isak.
Jasmine turned her head at the sound of pecking at the window, she opened the window and Isak's owl flew in and landing on the end of her 4 poster bed.

"Hey Casper." The owl was white as snow with few black freckles scattered across his body. Isak named him Casper because he disappears in the snow. She took the letter from his talons and stroked the feather on his back. The owl gave soft peck at her fingers in affection.

Dear Jasmine,

Would you be willing to meet me at Hogsmeade in the three broom sticks? I was hoping to confide in you and Nate about something. I hope everything is well, also I wanted to give you a sweater. Take a break from your soulmates for 30 minutes or bring them a long I don't really care I just need to talk. Enough about me I'm rambling on a piece of paper, is everything ok with you? I hope things are better with Lily even though she's a bitch. She is still your sister and you deserve to still have a sister.

With much love your brother,
Isak Pettigrew

Jasmine looked at the page confused at his writings, she quickly went over to her desk writing him back completely.

Dear Brother,

You can confide in me with what ever even though I'm not much help with advice. Heaven only knows how much I know, which is very little. Meet me at the broomsticks about 12:30, I might have to bring the boys a long. It's a better opportunity for you and Nate to get to know them. Plus I think that you would like them, we will meet you there. Everything here is as good as it can be, I'm doing ok. I'm just trying to survive my last year, taking classes I need to be an auror.

With much love your sister,

Jasmine A. Evans

Jasmine grabbed a small owl treat from the jar she kept on her desk, she walked over to Casper handing him the treat and tying the letter to his leg.

"Be careful Casper, it's getting cold out." She kissed the owls head before taking him to the window lifting him on her hand. She watched as the owl disappeared int he horizon as the sun was setting.

Jasmine sat on her bed contemplating her life choices, she walked over to the picture of her and her soulmates on her nightstand. There were pictures of her and Bellatrix with Isak, Narcissa, Regulus, Nate, and Severus.
Jasmine smiled softly at the memories before climbing into her bed and fell waiting in the darkness that crept into her room and shut her eyes drifting to her escape reality.

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