Chapter 39.

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There was a knock on the bedroom door waking her up, Remus came walking into her room. Jasmine groaned and pulled the pillow over her head causing Remus to let out a small laugh. The weight on the side of the bed dipped from Remus taking a seat next to Jasmine's curled up

"Go away Remus." She wasn't in the mood, Jasmine started her period last night and was not happy. Remus raised an eyebrow at her and laid back against the pillows wrapping his arm around her waist. Remus pulled her into his chest, she sighed and looked up at him. He was shirtless with sweatpants and messy hair.

"You're Turning into James." She whispered against his chest.

"No one is as bad as James, besides I have not gotten ready today. I just woke up and came to check on you." He kissed her jaw and smiled.

"As much as I love you and I'm thankful you came to see me, I want sleep." She turned over on her side and he smiled. Jasmine's cramps were hurting so she moved and pulled her legs up to her chest.

"You okay darling?" Remus asked her and she nodded. "You sure?"

"Yea, m'fine." Her voice was muffled but he pillow.

"We're going to play quidditch today, do you want to join in?" Remus began playing with the hair on Jasmine's head waiting for a response.

"I would rather not." Remus furrowed his brows in confusion, Jasmine always joined in when they played quidditch.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked again concerned.

"Remus." She said turning to face him cupping face with both hands and looking into his eyes. "I'm fine, go have fun playing quidditch. I'm just not feeling well."

"What kind of sick? Do you want me to bring you soup?" He asked feeling her forehead.

"No mother hen, I'm feeling not the greatest because it feels like I'm repeatedly getting punched in the stomach." She said and that's when it dawned on him.

"I'll be back." He said and quickly got up, Jasmine just rolled back over and fell back asleep.


Jasmine was woke up again by the door opening and Remus came in. He had a bag full of food for Jasmine, he laid next to her on the bed and handed her the bag giving her a kiss.

"You got me chocolate?" She asked with a smile than made him smile. He nodded his head in a goofy way making her smile.

"Chocolate makes everything better." She smiled as he kissed her again. She could taste chocolate residue that was always there.

"Don't stay in here with me, go play quidditch with the others." Jasmine told him and he shook his head.

"Not while you're in here sick. I'm staying in here with you. Every month when I'm feeling sick you stay with me, now I want to do the same for you." He pulled her close and she laid her head on his chest. She listened to the beating of his heart and her eyes soon let go and everything fell dark.

Jasmine woke up to whispering in her ear.
"Jasmine, Love, wake up." Remus tucked stray strands of hair behind his ear as he watched his girlfriend's eyes slowly open and blink. He couldn't help but find her cute and smile at her yawning.

"Quit smiling like that, it's weird." She said, Remus rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile.

"Don't lie, you like it when I watch you." He said rolling on top of her kissing her causing her to laugh.

"No, not really but I do like it when I get to do this." She whispered in his ear, she started leaving kisses from his earlobe up his jaw and planted a kiss on Remus's lips earning a small whine from him.

There was knock on the door and Sirius walked in with James.
"I thought we agreed no fun while some of us were gone?" Sirius said, his body was covered in sweat and his hair was tied back in a small man bun. Both of the boys were shirtless and sweaty, James hair was it's usually black curly mess and he smiled as he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"Mum called us all to lunch, that means you two as well." Jasmine groaned and sat up, Remus chuckled and kissed her nose. The other boys went to kiss her but she stopped them.

"You have to shower first." They both grumbled but went to shower, Remus moved and let her out of bed following her into the closet. Right now she was in shorts and a sports bra, she went through the closet of her clothes looking for a sweater.

"Remmy, love, can I borrow a jumper?" She asked, he nodded and followed her again to the boys' room as she walked into their closet looking at the jumpers in Remus's section. She pulled a tan one out and took it off the hook throwing it over her shoulders, the jumper ended just past her shorts. Remus smiled walking up to her and hugging from behind her.

"You look gorgeous Darling." He whispered biting her earlobe.

"Thanks now let's go get food I'm hungry." She started walking out but chest bumped a pretty much naked James.

"Careful love." He said as he made sure the towel around his waist was secure.

"I would rather not." She whispered and went to move but he stopped her.

"Chose your words wisely Talons." He said pushing her up against the door and kissing her. He pulled back a second later as he went to get dressed. Sirius came out of the bathroom not 2 minutes later with no towel on.

"Cover your mini man Sirius. I'm gonna go blind." Jasmine yelled covering her eyes and turning around causing all the boys to laugh.

"Please, you've seen this ' mini me' before." He said wrapping his arms around her waist. "Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm sexy with nothing on and that you enjoy it." He whispered in her ear and she patted his face lightly.

"Sure. If that's what helps you sleep at night, keep saying it." Once Jasmine walked out the door Remus walked up the Sirius.

"She totally liked it." Sirius said and Remus rolled his eyes kissing him, he grabbed Him in his hand and rubbed his tip getting a whine from the shorter boy.

"I also like it." Remus left a very hard and still growing Sirius and went down the stairs. James came out and scolded the boy for not getting dressed. Soon Sirius came down the stairs wearing lose sweats to try and hide his erection.
Sirius took a seat in between Jasmine and Remus ignoring the look he got from the taller boy.

"I hate you." Sirius whispered and Remus chuckled.

"No you don't."

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