Chapter 40.

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"Jasmine hurry up!" Sirius yelled down the stairs, a few seconds later a running Jasmine came down the stairs almost bulldozing Sirius in the process. "Careful love." He said catching her and giving her a kiss.

She fixes her clothes and the others watched them before getting ready to Floo powder to Diagon alley, when they got out of the fireplace they were in the quidditch shop.

Jasmine noticed James and Lily standing really close and muttering something to each other. Jasmine didn't know what to feel, she felt jealous but also angry at how close they were standing.

"Jasmine?" Alice asked from behind Jasmine causing her to flinch. "You okay? You seem distracted?"

"Yea, I'm okay Alice." She had become friends with the others, not real close but just enough to be friends. They walked along and down the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, they all walked into the store to get their books. Jasmine had extra money to get some regular books, she sort of split off from the group looking up and down the isles. She bumped into someone's chest and looked up to be met with the face of Gideon Prewett.

"Sorry Gideon." She said before ducking down to look at the books.

"What are you looking for?" The tall red headed boy asked, she shrugged. She grabbed a book from the shelf. 'For worse or to the end'.
It sounded interesting so Jasmine added it to the small pile she had in his arms.

"Are you playing quidditch again this year?" He asked gain and she nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Hello Jasmine." Fabian Prewett said walking over and slinging his arm around his Twin's shoulder.

"Hi Fabian." She continued to walk up and down the isles.

"What are you looking for?" The twins asked at the same time.

"Again, I don't know. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to pay for these." She gave them a light tipped smile, she turned around letting her smile drop and went up to the cashier.

After she paid, she turned around to see Remus leaning against the doorway talking to the Prewetts. She couldn't help but admire how lucky she was to have the boys, especially Remus.

She walked up to them and Remus gave her a smile when he saw her.
"Got everything you need darling?" He asked kissing her forehead and she nodded.

"Just let me know what you think, I don't know what Molly'll say bout' it." He told the twins and they nodded, Jasmine furrowed her brows but just shrugged off the worrisome feeling.

"Where to now?" She asked the tall boy and he led them to The Leaky Cauldron. They walked inside and saw the group sitting there, Jasmine smiled when she saw Peter in the booth. She took a spot next to him kissing his cheek.

"Hi Pete." She said and he smiled, Remus came back with drinks for himself and Jasmine sitting down next to her.

"What do you we need to get?" Sirius asked the group pulling his Hogwarts letter out of the pocket in his leather jacket.

"I need to get some more paper and quills." Jasmine said, she was trying to ignore the whispering that was still happening between Lily and James. She left it alone, there is no way James would cheat. Would he?
Over the last few weeks of summer that Jasmine had been staying with the Potter's she had been doubting things. Doubting her relationship with James. He was always talking to Lily now, she felt like he was cheating on her. She kept repeating one question to herself over and over again. Am I not good enough?

She was broken out of her thoughts as Sirius came into her room.
"You done packing? We need to leave to catch the train." She nodded and he grabbed her trunk as they headed down the stairs.

"Ready Talons?" Remus asked as she came down the stairs with Sirius following. She nodded and they used floo powder to get to the station. They learn how to apparate this year and Jasmine was excited.

They used the floo powder and walked onto the platform, the train that Jasmine has been looking forward too. She felt an arm wrap around her waist and she turned around, she was met with the soft face and blonde hair of Peter Pettigrew.

"Hi Peter." She smiled and he kissed her.

"Sorry I couldn't come over during summer, my mum and dad made me stay home." She nodded, they linked hands as they walked into the train saving a compartment for the others when they decided to get on.

"Anything fun happen at your mum and dads?" He shook his head quickly, a little too quickly.

"No, just they wanted me to learn the family business. How was it at the Potter's?" He noticed Jasmine looked down and her shrug.

"It was okay." Peter didn't seem convinced and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, everything was fine. Me and Remus mostly slept the first week since it was after the full moon."

"What about James and Sirius?"

"We played a little bit of quidditch." Peter noticed something wrong but didn't press, they moved so he was up against the wall and she was in between his legs. He had a book and she had one of her own. The quiet was interrupted by Sirius and James coming in.

"Hi Wormtail, hi Talons." James said happily while smiling.

"Hi." Peter said smiling but Jasmine ignored James. If he was going to ignore her she was going to ignore him back, she didn't care if she was being petty. She was angry at him for acting like everything was fine even though he ignored her pretty much almost the whole time she was there.

"You okay talons?" James asked her with a raised eyebrow, she muttered something incoherent and he figured it was because she was so into her book. About 2 hours into the train ride Remus came in, he saw James talking to Sirius and Jasmine reading with Peter.

Remus moved and tapped Jasmine's ankles notifying her to lift her legs, she tore her eyes away from her pages of the book and smiled at Remus, once he sat down she placed her legs on his lap rubbing her angles and a little ways up her calf. She was wearing a white sundress that complemented her summer tan well.

"What's going on in here, or what happened while I was gone." He asked and only Sirius and Peter answered.

"Not much." They both responded and it caused Remus to raise an eyebrow. Usually by now all hell has broken lose from the pranks of the boys.

"Jasmine, James?"

"It's been good, me and Sirius are planning pranks." Remus smiled but was still waiting for Jasmine's response. She wouldn't respond so he grabbed the book from her hand, really he just tilted it down instead of grabbing it.


"What?" There was annoyance in her voice from what everyone could tell, Remus raised his eyebrows at her mood change.

"What happened? You're annoyed, I can tell."

"Nothing I'm fine." She pulled her book back up and began reading, Remus looked at Peter who shrugged. Remus left it alone and the only thing that was spoken was their pranks for their final year.

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