Chapter 8.

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Lily Evans had just found out that her twin sister was coming back to school. Lily hated that she had to come back, ever since Jasmine had caused that earthquake Lily was jealous of the capability her sister had. Unbeknownst to Lily, Jasmine was able to become an Animagi with Honey. It took them two years to figure out how to do it. Jasmine was a bald Eagle, and Honey was a hummingbird. Jasmine thought it was funny because Hummingbirds liked nectar and that was their honey, and Honey's name was Honey.

The Marauders were trying to figure out how to help their soulmate Moony. Yes that's right, the marauders are soulmates as well. They found out they were all soulmates from a prophecy, they had found out they shared a 5th soulmate as well. It took time for James and Peter to get used to, Sirius and Remus were already making out before that so it was fine for them.

There first clue had been that she likes music, and she's recorded a lot of songs. They were upset because it didn't narrow it down, meanwhile their 5th soulmate who they used to bully got an easy clue and knew it was them. She didn't want to tell them so they could figure it out themselves and not try to apologize to her because she's their soulmate.

Peter was cuddled up into the side of James, James had his arm around Peter's shoulder. James was reading a newspaper on quidditch and Peter was reading up on animagi while Sirius and Remus were snogging next to them on the couch.

"Can you two stop! I'm trying to read! Take it upstairs!" Peter yelled at them, and they all immediately looked at Peter. Peter never got upset and if he did, he never had outbursts like that.

"Pete? You okay?" James asked him.

"I'm fine." He responded and went back to his book, James folded his paper and sat it on the table next to the couch. He turned to his side and pulled Peter closer to him.

"You're lying." James whispered as he softly but Peter's ear. Right now they were currently at Peter's house. Suddenly a knock on the door made Peter jolt.

"Isak." Peter said to his older brother.

"Peter." The three boys on the couch noticed the tension.

"Do you need help with anything?"

"Nope." Isak said as he went to walk upstairs.

"You don't have to be so rude!" Sirius called from the couch, when Isak turned around and dropped his bag they got a full look of his face.

"That's rich coming from you." Isak said, Sirius moved and got right up in his face.

"What's that supposed to mean."

"You know what I mean. Ms. Evans suffered a great deal under my little brother and you boys." All 4 of the boys paled at the mention of her name, James and Sirius never really regretted teasing her.

"It was just teasing, nothing else." James said getting defensive.

"No it wasn't James." Peter called out and James looked hurt at his soulmate taking sides.

"You're supposed to be on my side." James said to Peter.

"James I know the way Jasmine felt, being compared to your 3 hot best friends when your the chunky one of the group. It's not fun." James looked down and after a few minutes he hugged Peter.

"How do you know about Jasmine?" Remus asked the older Pettigrew brother.

"Because, she's my best friend." Isak turned around and left the boys in shock, the 4 boys looked at each other with confusion written on their faces.
Jasmine, Avi, Mitch, Scott, and Kevin had started doing A Cappella together and they sounded pretty good. They just finished recording a song and they were excited, they knew about Jasmine being an animagnus. Jasmine had become one to protect herself, she had been attacked by a wolf, it left 3 scratches across her eye that scarred. And then a hippogriff causing the long one on her back.

Jasmine had got everything she needed to and she was still able to fit into her Slytherin jumper from 2nd year, that tells you how much she has grown, the jumpers were the only thing she could still fit in. They were just baggy since she lost weight, she grabbed her trunk and they all were apparated to kings cross station. They ran through the brick wall onto platform 9 3/4.
Jasmine was planning on trying out for quidditch this year. She was sad that's she didn't have any one in her house with her. Avi and Scott were in Gryffindor, Mitch was a hufflepuff, and Kevin was in Ravenclaw. They could still meet up they just wouldn't have all the time together.

Jasmine had dyed her hair red, you could tell it was an artificial red because it was really bright. It was the color of a red rose, Jasmine was wearing a punk outfit to. It was a clipped checkered crop top with black jeans and combat boots. She had gotten funny looks from people when she walked onto the platform. The compartment door was opened at they saw Lily Evans where she was, in all the glory she thought she had.

James Potter saw Lily Evans few paces down the isle, she was talking to someone, he wanted to know who. He had been hoping that Lily Evans was their soulmate but didn't know.
"LilyPads!" James called out to her and his soulmates groaned as they watched him skip down the aisle.

"I missed you." James leaned against the door and she just looked at him before continuing to talk to who ever was in the compartment. He then heard Lily start yelling. He finally looked in the compartment to see an artificial red head making Lily flustered.

"Lily pads? You okay?" She looks at him.

"Sod off Potter!" She huffed and made out for her compartment.

"She huffed and she puffed, but could not blow over the house to get to the little piggies." Jasmine said making her group laugh, none of them liked Lily.

"You make Lily mad! That's rude!" The girl with the dyed red hair looked at him.

"If it isn't the infamous James Fleamont Potter." She said walking towards him, it made him back against the opposite wall on the aisle. She looked up at him and James seemed to get lost in her dark chocolate eyes, it was soothing and he couldn't find himself to pull away. "I suggest you stay out of my way." She said over her shoulder when she turned around and walked back into her compartment.

"Who was that?" Sirius asked and James shrugged.

"I don't know." James responded, but, Peter Pettigrew knew exactly who it was.

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