Chapter 10.

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Jasmine walked out from the Slytherin common room to find Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas standing there. They seemed to look up at her presence.

"We need your help." Lily told her.
"No." Jasmine walked away, she was meeting the others outside. They were working on their sounds for the next show in Hogsmeade, the three broomsticks hired them. They paid little but it was enough to get them around town.

"Please! You're the only one that can do this." Jasmine was walking away and raised her middle finger in the air towards the girls. "You Whore! You're sleeping with Isak Pettigrew and Nate!" Jasmine turned around, her blood was boiling. She noticed the marauders and Bellatrix.

"Listen Lily, Isak has his own soulmate so does Nate. And that soulmate of Isak, you don't want to get on the bad side of. I've met her and I like her, she could rip you to shreds." Lily went pale, some other people were starting to crowd around them. "You know that psych ward you had mum and dad send me to?," she nodded and everyone looked at Jasmine, "I met them there. There more of a family then you and the others ever were." Jasmine turned around furiously, the small crowd that formed split when came towards them.

Soon the crowd dispersed and went to do their own things.
"Bloody Hell Lily, you don't make accusations so quickly. What's gotten into you?" Remus asked her.

"Nothing everything's fine." Lily said going to walk off her goons.

"Hey Mudblood!" They turned around to see Bellatrix Black right there. "I suggest you keep your dirty little nose where it belongs in the Gryffindor tower." She said stepping up to Lily, Lily looked as if she might run away or drop right there. Bellatrix smirked at the sight.
"I suggest you keep Isak out of your mouth."

"Or what?" Lily asked and Remus looked at her like she had grown two heads. She might as well have.

"Or I'm going to crush your head in on itself. Toodles!" She called out as she walked away, Bellatrix and Isak had kept it a pretty good secret that they were soulmates.
The ground was white from snow and Lily hasn't talked to Jasmine since. The group of kids were walking into the three broomsticks where they were performing for the first time.
"Now boys, and girl. I want you to do something more calm like Hallelujah and Christmas songs." Madam Rosmerta told them and they nodded, each of them were in their respected house jumpers.

"I look like a Christmas tree with my hair." Jasmine told them and they all started laughing. "It's not funny!" She said she smacked the boys.

"Alright you guys get up there." The older lady ushered them up on stage. They hadn't noticed Lily and her goons or the marauders.

Everyone was clapping, when they finished.
"Incoming." Mitch whispered to them.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing Jasmine!" Lily whisper-yelled.

"We're making money." She responded and Lily glared.

"You never told me who Isak's soulmate is. Who is it?" They all started laughing.

"You've already met her."

"That's not helpful."

"I know." The group was back in a few seconds, Jasmine and them took a break and drank some water.
When the group walked out of The Three Broomsticks they were stopped my Minerva McGonogall.
"You all sounded lovely." She told them and they thanked her.

"We're having a winter ball, Professor Dumbledore wished to speak to you before it was announced. And he would also like to share gum drops." They nodded and went back to the castle, and spoke the password to get into his office.

"Professor, you wanted to see us." He looked up and nodded.

"Yes, I did. We're having the ball as you know, and we want to have a charity sort of for Hogwarts. There will be people from the ministry and very popular wizards along witches. We need people to perform, you and another group will be competing. What do you say?" They were about to answer when none other than the Marauders came in.

"What are you doing here?" Both James and Jasmine glared at each other.

"The both groups of yours are going to perform, it's going to be sort of a competition since it's a charity. And we need money to be given ."

"The Acapella owls vs the maurauders." Dumbledore told them with a wink.

"Let's go, we don't need to be in the same room as these assholes." The group of muggleborns left the marauders standing there. James face was red with anger and Sirius holding him back.

"Mate let it go, we'll be there to beat them. No one will vote for them." James nodded. They then left Dumbledore's office.
Outfits for winter dance performance

Jasmine finished getting ready and starting walking down the halls

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Jasmine finished getting ready and starting walking down the halls. She was stopped by 2 tall boys in front of her. She looked up to see it was Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.

"Boys." She said and went to walk around them, Remus stepped in front of her. "Is there a problem?"

"We just wanted to ask you some questions." She looked at them and gave a sarcastic smile with all teeth.

"I would love to, but I have somewhere to be. If you'll just owl me with where, when, and why I'll gladly ignore you." She went around Remus and walked to Winter Dance. Jasmine re-dyed her hair with a simple spell, it was now black.

"Girl you look hot." She turned around to see Marlene McKinnon. Marlene moved and put her arm around Jasmine's shoulder.

"Hands off." She pushed Marlene off of her shoulder.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to do awful so the Marauders will win." Jasmine snorted.

"Good luck Sunshine, I'm not doing it. But tell them I said good luck."

"No, you have to let them win." Marlene was pushing, Jasmine could smell fire whiskey on her.

"As much as I don't like them, my group and I are going to try everything me can to win."

"Is there a problem?" Scott asked walking over and Marlene smiled at him. Just then the Marauders walked over and the rest of the Acappella owls walked over.

"No there isn't, endless you would like to be charmed." James said and was looking right at Jasmine.

"I just suggest you stay out of my way Potter." She winked at him, it made James angry that he got a warm feeling when ever he looked at her.

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