Chapter 42.

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Jasmine had skipped breakfast and walked to her class, she got there just in time for all the doors to shut and everyone waited for their seats.

"Mr. Lupin next to Mr. Pettigrew. Ms. Lily Evans next to Mr.-" Minerva McGonogall was having trouble decided where to put the Evans girl. "Next to Mr. Prewett." Everyone turned heads to see Lily Evans walking to sit next to Gideon Prewett. "Mr. Black next to the other Prewett please."

"Anything for you Minnie." Sirius said winking causing the professor's eyes to roll at his antics. McGonogall sorted everyone until it was down to the last people.

"Other Ms. Evans please move over to the front desk next to Mr. Potter. I believe a smart girl would be able to keep him in check. Splendid grades he has just horrible attendance and manners." She mumbled the last part under her breath. Jasmine moved and sat down next to James and he smiled at her.

"Good morning Talons." He said and she didn't respond with anything and he looked at her. "Did you hear me?" Jasmine kept her head facing forward the entire class not listening or acknowledging  James unless needed.

Once class had ended Jasmine quickly packed her stuff and got up from her chair. James eyes her and moved over to his other soulmates.

"What's got her panties in a twist?" He asked the boys, Peter glared at James, Remus rolled his eyes.

"I wonder what." Sirius said sarcastically going to catch up with the other girl. Once he caught up to the girl in the hall he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"What do you want Sirius?" He noticed the plead in her voice and the tired expression on her face. She looked like she would burst into tears and he quickly pulled her around the corridor. They both had a free period next and he stood looking at her.

"What's wrong? Is this still about the same thing?" Jasmine wouldn't answer but looked to the corner of the corridor to see the others walking this way including James. They all noticed the hold Sirius had on her, his hand on her waist and her head almost leaning against his chest.

Jasmine looked down at her fingers and looked back up at him.
"I don't want to talk about it, not here." She whispered to him, Sirius nodded and placed two fingers under her chin lifting it.

"As payment for my therapy sessions it's going to cost you." He whispered as his lips were just barely above hers.

"Sirius are you coming or what? Lily is waiting for us at the end of the corridor close to the entrance of the Great Hall." Jasmine rolled her eyes and Sirius groaned. Jasmine moved away from his arms.

"I'm going back to my common room." She said but before the boys could protest she was already down the hall.

"Bloody cockblock." Sirius muttered under his breath aimed towards James. James didn't noticed the annoyed expression on all of the boys.

Jasmine went back to the room of requirements that showed the music room
Like they had at the facility. This was her comfort spot, she ran her fingers a long the cover of the piano. She lifted the cover and placed her fingers on the key as she began singing her feelings and the keys came naturally.

Jasmine looked at the clock and decided she was going to head up to her room. She was walking when she bumped into Remus.
"What're you doing out here, I thought you were going to your common room?" Jasmine gave him a shrug and he grabbed her hand. He took her down the castle and out side by the lake.

"You going to tell me what's wrong, or if I'm right about what's making you upset?" He asked the girl he was totally infatuated with. Remus took a seat under the tree and she looked down at him. She sat next to him placing her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know." She muttered after a few minutes of silence. She liked the silence because then she could think of all the ways she could've changed her life.

"You can talk to me about anything. You know that don't you?" He asked the girl wrapping his arm around her shoulder, she welcomed the warmth he brought as she leaned into his side. The intoxicating smell of chocolate and his cologne felt like home to her.

"I know, I just don't know if I'm ready to talk about this." Remus looked down at the girl in his arms, he kissed her forehead and watched as her gaze held steady watching the lake.

"What's your next class?" Her and Remus and the other boys hadn't exchanged time tables. McGonogall usually handed Jasmine hers since she was at the Gryffindor table most of the time.

"Potions." She looked up at the boy who smiled.

"Me too." There was a comfortable silence that fell between the two. She felt safe in his arms and Remus didn't feel like he was a monster with her in his arms. He felt like he had a chance at the whole love thing even as a werewolf, he felt normal with her around.
"Have you talked to Dumbledore about your magic?" Jasmine let out a small sigh.

"He thinks that it might get to much and that it might kill me." She bluntly stated, Remus's whole body froze over and he looked at her with furrowed brows.

"Is it true?" Jasmine shook her head.

"Pretty sure if magic was to kill me it would have done it by now." Jasmine looked at the watch in her hand. "Let's go we have class." She got up and held her hands out for the tall boy.

Remus grabbed her hands as she helped hoist him up to his feet, he grabbed both of their bags carrying both of them.
As they walked into class Slughorn told them they could sit wherever they wanted. Remus took her hand and led her over to a desk for her to come and sit by him.

As the class started Slughorn gave them a small introduction before giving them a book for the recipe. The couple began working silently on their own potions despite the commotion around them, they were in a comfortable silence.

Once class was over Jasmine walked into the hospital wing. She walked over to Pomfrey's desk, the woman was middle aged and had slight grey but still brown hair.
"Ms. Evans? What a surprise, what can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering, since I'm going to be an auror and I thought it would be useful if I knew how to heal. And now I was wondering if I could come in the morning, during free period, or after classes to learn from you? If it's not to much to ask?" A large smile arose on the older lady's face.

"Of course dear, why don't you start next Monday. Just come during your free period or before breakfast." Jasmine nodded and waved at the woman as she left the medical wing. Jasmine headed down to the great hall for lunch, she headed over to the Gryffindor table to see James and Lily sitting next to each other. Next to the other boys.

"Hello my dear Talons." Sirius said kissing her forehead when she sat down.

"Hi Padfoot. Hi Peter." She kissed Peter's cheek and he still went bright red. Peter pulled her in for a side hug and she leaned into it, his arm rested around her waist.

"How were your classes?" Sirius asked and she groaned leaning her head down on the table.

"It couldn't of been that bad." Peter said rubbing his hand over the back of the hunched girl. The boys laughed as she let out mumbled words that they couldn't understand but it sounded like.

"If you bloody trucked to my and true meh words." She grumbled some more, Peter kissed behind her ear in affection and continued rubbing her back as he ate, eventually coaxing her to eat some herself.

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