Chapter 3.

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"Jasmine, love. Please come out of your room." Gregory asked begging his daughter to open the door, she hasn't come out all summer except for meals. And even then she barely eats like she used to. Jasmine had endured the bullying from her sister and her goons. Jasmine walked over and opened the door, he looked at her. She has changed, her once happy demeanor gone. Her father doesn't know anything about the Wizarding world, so he wouldn't know about blood status. Jasmine went back over and picked her guitar up again just strumming the strings.

"What's wrong little girl?" He asked sitting at the end of her bed.

"Nothings wrong." The girl said, lying about the demons that were crowding her mind, the demons that haunted her dreams and the insecurities she found in her own skin.

"You sure?" Her dad asked but was interrupted by Lily screaming from downstairs that her friends were here. "We'll talk about this later, and Please keep your door-" before he could finish she shut the door in his face.

"Any luck?" Carol Evans asked her husband, he just shook his head and looked down. The couple headed downstairs, 3 girls and 1 boy stood there. The boys name was Severus Snape and the girls were Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice.

"Welcome to our home, we're so glad to have you." Carol said before heading into the kitchen followed shortly by her husband.

"She won't eat Carol, she won't even come out of her room. The only person that goes in there is Petunia. But even then Jasmine kicks her out." Gregory told his wife pacing back and forth in the small kitchen. Little did they know that that Lily and her friends were listening from the other room.

"So she's finally becoming skinny?" Marlene asked and Lily nodded.

"Or at least she's trying to." The girls started laughing, Jasmine could hear them through the thin walls of the house. Jasmine walked into her room, she wanted to be skinny and pretty like her sisters. Lily and Petunia got the fast metabolism while she the slow metabolism. She wished she had the fast metabolism, she could eat what she wants and not worry about gaining 2 pounds from a small chocolate bar.

"Jasmine can I come in?" The sweetly sick voice of Lily could be heard from the other side. Jasmine was in sweats and a Slytherin jumper with her brow in hair in a bun and her glasses on.

"What?" She asked opening the door, there stood Lily with Marlene Alice and Severus Snape. Jasmine knew Severus has had a crush on her twin and has been waiting to use it as black mail against him.

"We want you to come hang out with us."  Lily said with a sick smile on her face, Jasmine always wondered if she was trying to look like that or she just did.

"No." She said shutting the door her their faces.

"What ever you stupid Wanker." She heard Lily say from the other side of the door. Jasmine sat on the nook seat of her window and watched as Lily ran in the sunflower field behind their house being chased by Severus. Jasmine grabbed her guitar and started playing with the strings then it turned into a melody, then she took words that crowded her thoughts and put them on a page. Jasmine's mom and dad knocked on the door and walked in. They smiled when they saw her with the guitar that had once belonged to their older brother.

He wasn't mentioned in this household after he left to move to America.
"Tell us what's wrong." Her dad said as the couple pulled their chairs up to sit next to her.

"Nothing I'm fine." She said as she played with the strings, she loved the burn she got where blisters had formed from the guitar strings. Gregory and Carol tried for the next 10 minutes to talk to her but she wouldn't talk.
It was the start of 2nd year, Jasmine became cold to her family. She wouldn't talk to any of them before she left, she walked down the train and bumped into some body. That body being Peter, she liked Peter. He was nicer than the other boys, well she hadn't really talked to Remus but what ever.

Jasmine took an empty seat and was looking out the window, she was listening to her portable cassette player, Queen. Her favorite band, she didn't hear someone walk in. She looked up and saw the 4 boys she didn't want to see there. They asked her something but she just turned her head ignoring them.

"Hey." Peter said taking the headphone off her ear, he took them off her head and put them around her neck.

"Hi." She responded.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the little plastic box she was holding.

"It's called a cassette tape." She said and he nodded, he was sitting next to her with Remus on the side. Sirius and Remus sat across from the two with a strange look on their faces.

"What does it do?" Jasmine took the head phones from around her neck and placed them on his head. He looked at her confused and she just smiled, she pressed the button and he heard the music fill his ears. He smiled at her and listened to the music, she let out a laugh. Sirius and James noticed that it pulled Remus out from his book. No one could make Remus pop out from his book,not even them.
Jasmine had felt the torture of the 2 boys not to mention Lily and her Goons through out the entire year. Jasmine didn't find a use for her owl other than to send letter to her parents, she didn't have any friends. Jasmine walked onto the train and sat down in a sit, not before James and Sirius potter came in.

"Jasmine Evans." Sirius said and the girl looked up at them, her eyebrow raised.

"Did you think you could use our best friend to make you feel good about yourself?" James asked and he was getting closer to the girl.
"You stay away from him." He was right in her face, when he saw her back away he smirked and left the compartment.

Jasmine was basically crawling in her skin and sinking into herself on the red booth seats.

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