Chapter 31.

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Jasmine walked inside the house to dodging a glass cup.
"You little whore! Where have you been!" Her father shouted and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"I went to Diagon Alley!" She shouted back, she had been starting more fights and pissing her father off.

Lily walked into the house with Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice. They were met with glass on the floor and more glass breaking. They heard shouting and ran into the kitchen to see Jasmine and their Father going in an arguing match.

"You're a whore!" He shouted at her.

"You can't call me one because I'm a virgin!" Jasmine shouted back unaffected by his words. It's been a few days since she has talked to Remus and Jasmine had started to ignore his letters.

"She's a virgin? With a body like that?" Marlene whispered and Dorcas elbowed her ribs.

"Not the time Marlene." Dorcas scolded her.

"Dad stop!" Lily shouted at him and only then did he stop, her father walked up to Jasmine and slapped her.

Alice jumped as the slap echoed through the kitchen. The girls looked wide eyed as Jasmine just stood there in spot, not moving or even flinching when it happened.

"You hit like Tom." She said with a small laugh and Lily had wide eyes at the mention of their cousin. Their father then punched her and walked out of the room, but first he greeted Lily and her friends. Jasmine sat on the kitchen floor with a wicked smirk on her face, she wiped the blood from her nose before getting up.

Lily rushed over to her sister trying to help her.
"Don't touch me!" Jasmine shouted slapping her sister's hands away.

"I'm trying to help you!" She argued back, Jasmine rolled her eyes and walked over to a mirror in the living room. The rest of the girls following her. They watched as she placed her hands over her nose, she popped her nose back  in to place and took a few sniffs.

"I don't want your help Lily, I didn't need it before and I sure as hell don't need it now." She  spoke in a low tone, they noticed the bruise forming on her cheek.

"I just wanted to let you know, we've invited the boys to stay for the last 2 weeks of summer." Jasmine mumbled an okay in response and walked up the stairs to take a shower.

"How long has this been going on?" Alice asked Lily and she shrugged.

"This is the first time he has ever gotten violent with her that I know of." Lily was shaken at the thought of a once caring father she had hitting her twin sister.

"Hello?" Petunia asked walking into the house seeing the glass on the floor and then looking at Lily. "What in the bloody hell happened?" She yelled at Lily.

"It was dad..." she trailed off and Petunia looked with furrowed brows. "Are you okay? Is Jasmine okay?"

"I don't know about Jasmine, I'm fine. We found him hitting Jasmine when we came home." She muttered, Petunia immediately went upstairs to find her little sister.

"Jasmine?" Petunia asked walking into her room. Jasmine was looking out the window, she was in a sports bra and shorts. Petunia noticed the wrapping around her waist and the tiny scars a long her stomach and back.

"Hi Petunia." She said and looked at her sister with a smile.

"How are you still smiling? We need to call the police." Petunia scolded her sister.

"No. They will take him to prison and I'll have to live with Carter. I know Vernon doesn't like us witches, and quite frankly neither do you. Besides There is Lily too. Just give it until we can live on our own. He won't hurt Lily, he leaves her alone." Jasmine couldn't believe herself for defending Lily, but she couldn't help it. She may hate Lily's guys but in the end she is still her sister.

"Jasmine. I don't want you to get hurt, or get hurt more than you already have." Jasmine cracked a smile and gave a small chuckle but winced in pain and grabbed her side.

"It's fine, he won't hurt me when people are over. Lily only found out because she came home early." She mumbled and laid on her bed, Petunia coming and laying next to you. They sat there in silence for a little bit.

"You know, I don't actually hate magic. I just wish I could've gone, I was so jealous when I found out you and Lily got to go to a school for magic." Petunia confessed to the young girl, Jasmine moved closer to her sister.

"It's okay, I understand. But it's really not they great, the blood prejudice if you're pure blood or muggleborn. My school house is really prejudice, they call me mudblood. Just because I'm muggle born, and that influence is mostly from Tom." Petunia turned her head to look at Jasmine.

"Tom is?"

"Yeah, he has been going around protesting that there should just be Purebloods at Hogwarts. That they need to purify the wizarding world to show the muffled they're superior, which is rich coming from him because he's a halfblood." Petunia looked at her with wide eyes.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle? The cousin that we ran through the fields with?" Jasmine nodded and Petunia was shocked taking in the big news.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised. The cousin we spent baking here with mum. We used to read and he would tell us all about where his mum was from." Jasmine sighed and her walls started to crack from the memories of her younger years.
They heard yelling from down stairs and Petunia's eyebrows furrowed while Jasmine groaned.

"Who's downstairs?" She asked and Jasmine looked at her.

"You're worst nightmare, these teen boys will make you want to kill yourself." Jasmine said, "actually that would just be James and Sirius. Peter and Remus are the nice ones."

"These are the boys that are your soulmates?" Jasmine always shared everything with Petunia.

"Yeah..." they heard downstairs their father greeting them at the door.

"Have you gone on a date?"

"I finally went on one with Remus and Peter, they kept pushing at the walls I built up. James thinks he's in love with Lily which he probably is and Sirius is back to his playboy ways of hooking up with people, I wonder if he's stopped that?" Jasmine looked out her window and watched as the teens were running through the tall grass in the field.

"You need to see Honey." Petunia said and Jasmine nodded.

"Yeah, I've been sending letter to her. But she's all the way in America. It gets the owls tired so I only send 1 every other week." Petunia nodded and patted her sister on the knee.

"I should go and see dad, let's hope he is sober and I'm going to talk to him. I meant it about calling the police. You need to call them, I don't care. I'll convince Vernon to let you live with us. Lily can go live with Carter, Carter treats you like shit." Jasmine let out a snort but immediately regretted it.

"Yeah, I think I'm rubbing off on you. You never used to swear." Petunia threw a pillow at Jasmine and smiled.

"You stay in bed and rest, Heaven only knows how bad your injuries actually are." She said shutting the door, Jasmine sighed and stared up at her ceiling before she eventually fell asleep.

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