Chapter 6.

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Jasmine woke up to a knock on the door, she felt someone jump on the bed. She opened her eyes to be met with the sight of Isak, Jasmine looked out her window and saw that there was no light except for the lights hanging on the walls.

"What do you want this early?" She asked him.

"We're going to play quidditch and you're coming." She sighed and got up, she walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth while pulling up her hair. She walked out in her Slytherin jumper and Isak raised an eyebrow.

"You are in Slytherin?" He started laughing and Jasmine smiled.

"I know and Slytherin sucks, although everyone leaves me alone and I don't have to worry about my sister. But, it is also classified as I was in Slytherin. I'm going Ilvermorny next year."She smiled and he looked at her with a pout.

"Lucky, I would do anything to put an ocean between me and my parents." Jasmine just shrugged and they walked to the quidditch pitch.

"So what's your full name?" Jasmine asked him as a get to know.

"No I'm not telling you, you have to beat me in quidditch first but I'll answer your other questions."

"What position do you play?" He smiled.

"I am a chaser. What about you? What do you think your position will be?" She shrugged.

"I've never played but I think being a beater would be fun." He laughed at her and Avi waved to them when they got into eyesight.

"Okay so what are we playing? We tossing it, figuring out what position Jasmine plays, or just figuring out Jasmine sucks at quidditch." Jasmine smacked Avi's arm and everyone laughed.

"Let's figure out what position she's best at first." Scott said and everyone agreed, Jasmine knew how to fly she just never could. She flew up and they decided to try her being a chaser first. Jasmine almost was hit by a bludger, they tried seeking and she almost fell off, Jasmine didn't even want to try playing keeper, so they went straight to beater.

"You have to keep it away from Isak." Jasmine nodded, she grabbed her broom with her left and and the beater's stick with her right. They released the bludger and it went straight for Avi but Scott hit it towards Isak and there was a crack of the club hitting the bludger. Jasmine had blocked Isak from the bludger, she did it at least 20 times before her arms were exhausted and she couldn't feel them.

"I think we have a new beater." Matt said and we all smiled laughing, "I think we do."

"I'm done, I'm going in to shower." They all laughed as they watched her retreat into the building. Jasmine showered and did her morning routine, she pulled her hair into a messy bun, took her contacts out and put her glasses on. She was wearing her nice Slytherin jumper and ripped jeans. She put in some converse, she walked down just as breakfast had started.

"Hi besties." She said sitting next to Isak. She noticed them all looking at her. "What?" Her eyebrows were raised.

"You wear glasses?" She nodded.

"I was wearing my contacts when we were playing quidditch, glasses are expensive." She noticed someone walk over and sit across from her.

"I'm Nate." He held his hand out and Jasmine shook it.

"Jasmine." She started talking with Nate and everyone was looking at them.

"Why does she get to be besties with Nate but he won't be besties with us." Lena whined from the side.

"Because I'm being nice." He said and Jasmine laughed.

"I thank you for that, but right now I want to eat and then go to the music area." Nate smiled at hearing that.

"You do music?" She nodded and they started talking.

"How did this lady get onto his good side so quickly." Scott asked them and they all just shrugged.
"So how old are you?" Isak asked Jasmine.

"I'm turning 13 in May. I'm going into my third year." Isak smiled at her.

"You seem mature for your age, not mention short." Jasmine threw the pillow she was holding at him.

"Don't throw stuff in the music room." Nate scolded her as he walked in with water.

"Thanks Nate." She smiled which made him smile.

"Anyways how old are you guys?"

"I'm going into my 6th year. I'm turning 17 in January." Nate said as he took a drink of water.

"I'm going into my 6th year as well." She nodded, and started strumming the strings on her guitar.

"Alright, you have songs you want to record then let's get them done." There was a recording booth for them to put on CD's. Jasmines' family and no idea how nice this place was, it was cheaper than buying a plane too.

"That was great!" Isak said jumping up.

"Thanks. Now who's recording next?" Isak said he would and walked into the booth.

"Who is the song about?"

"A girl...." They all knew who Isak's soulmate was except for Jasmine.

"Bellatrix Black" Nate muttered under a cough, and Jasmine's eyes went wide.

"You! And Bellatrix!" She was shocked.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Isak asked and everyone shouted 'Yes' in unison.

"She's so proper and rude, you're you." Jasmine told him and he used a faked hurt expression.

"Okay let's move on, I wrote a new song I want to record." We nodded, we've been putting some of our songs in the same CD so we can make copies to give each other. "I need Mack's help, you know I always have someone sing the notes and I rap."

"That was amazing." Jasmine said with both elbows on the table and chin resting on her hands. Nat and the others started laughing.

"Let's go, lunch starts in a few minutes. I want to try something after that." We nodded, but Jasmine stopped Isak.

"You never told me your full name, remember I beat you in quidditch." He chuckled and looked Jasmine straight in the eye.

"It's Pettigrew, my full name is Isak Ryan Pettigrew." He turned around to leave, Jasmine was stuck in her spot with wide eyes.

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