Chapter 21.

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"Is it true, that you love the Marauders?" He asked, Jasmine shrugged.

"I honestly don't know, I mean they're cute and I can feel the soulmate bond but I want to make them work for it." They all nodded. "Truth or Dare Avi?"

"Is it true that you and Amara Parkinson are soulmates?" He nodded and Jasmine fist bumped the air. "I knew it!"

"Okay simmer down." Avi said. The game continued until Jasmine's turn came around.

"Truth or Dare Jasmine?" She was asked and she was thinking.

"How bad will the dare be?" She asked and they all grinned.

"I dare you to go kiss one of your soulmates." They told her with a smirk. She frowned at them.

"So is it going be like a hit and run or do I have to full on make out?" They smirked noticing her follow through with it.

"Either one, so which soulmate you gonna chose?" They asked and she shrugged.

"Maybe the first one I see, although it would be nice to kiss James to piss off Lily."

"Ok kiss James, it's been decided." Scott said wanting to get the look on Lily's face. "Grab your camera Mitch we gotta take a photo of this.

"Okay, right after you're spraying me with holy water right?" Jasmine asked, Avi lifted up a squirt bottle and they all smiled. They followed the girl as she began skipping down the hallway in her heeled boots.

They laughed as she did a little wiggle down the hallway, she usually never acted like this but the boys were taking advantage of her good mood. Mitch was taking photos and got the one of her flipping people off.

"Hi boys." She said walking in and they all looked at her, Marlene was in the room a long with Lily and Dorcas.

"Hi Jasmine." Remus said looking up from his book for the first time. The girls besides Lily looked at them with raised eyebrows. "Do you need something?"

"Yes, just something from Mr. Potter." James seemed to choke and looked up at her with dough eyes. "Stand up." The girls watched as he did, he was following her every move.

"What do you need?" He asked as she moved closer to him. His heart began beating louder and louder he was sure she could here it, he felt like he couldn't control his own body.

"Just to do this." She leaned up even in her heels, and kissed him on the lips. He grabbed her hips trying to deepen the kiss but she wouldn't let him. After a few seconds she pulled back with him wanting more. "It was a dare but I enjoyed that, we might need to do it again." She whispered biting his earlobe. She looked at Lily who had all the blood rushed to her face. Dorcas and Marlene were looking shocked, Remus and Sirius were looking at Jasmine like she grew two heads. Peter was no where to be found, "bye now." She said and Lily followed her out of the compartment.

"How dare you Jasmine!!" Lily yelled at her, Jasmine turned around and looked at her.

"How dare I what?" Jasmine looked at her sister with furrowed eyebrows and a look of confusion on her face.

"You kissed him! You know I like him!" Jasmine took a step towards her sister, there faces were centimeters apart.

"I hate to break it to ya big sister, but he's my soulmate," Jasmine could see people down the hall looking at them wide eyed. "And I happened to know that your soulmate is pissed off at you. That's why he called you a pretty, addictive, little mudblood." Lily looked at her stunned as she walked away, James came out of the compartment and chased after her down the train.

"Jasmine!" He called out, she stopped and turned around to see him run into her. James grabbed her face and placed his lips on hers, Sirius and Remus caught up to the boy and saw him kissing their soulmate. James whined when she pulled away. She looked at all of them and they noticed the pink tinge of color scattered across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. James traced the freckles that covered her face.

All of a sudden Avi comes spraying Jasmine with a squirt bottle.
"Take the Holy Water you stupid Bitch!" He said and the three mates looked confused at the other boys coming up.

"Bitch!" She yelled back at him, he moved behind Scott as he kept squirting her. James was holding her waist, they were all laughing at the two interact.

"Take the Hoe with you Potter!" Avi said while cracking up at the same time.

"Take that back you git." They were both laughing and she hugged Avi getting him wet from the water of the now empty bottle.

"Get off of me Jae!" She let go and they were all laughing in the middle of the train.

"Can I get a kiss too?" Jasmine turned around to look at Sirius and Remus. They were standing there looking desperate and almost begging.

"You guys can go I'll be a minute." The group smirked at each other and left back to there compartment.

"Why should I kiss you?" Sirius let a whine as she stepped forward.

"Because you gave James one why not the rest of us?" He asked and Jasmine smirked.

"That was a dare, but I must say. I did like it." She said looking at James who was completely focused on the girl. Remus moved forward and grabbed her hips pulling her back against him.

"Merlin, you drive me crazy Jasmine and you don't even know it." He let out a small whimper at the end, she felt a bulge on her back.

"It's nice to know I drive someone crazy besides Lily." She turned around to face Remus, he was horny and she could tell. She brushed her fingers over him and he squirmed.

"Love, don't tease." He said pulling her closer.

"Did you guys forget we're in the middle of the train?" James asked them, Remus rolled his eyes and Jasmine smirked. She let go of Remus and walked over to Sirius, she wrapped her arms around the boys neck and leaned in. He grabbed her hips pulling her close and kissing her. Sirius started kissing her harder pushing her up against the wall.

"Sirius." He pulled away reluctantly and looked her in the eye. "We're gonna have to finish this another time."
She started to walk away when Remus stopped her.

"Don't forget about me." He said kissing her softly. She smiled up at him.

"Never." She gave him another peck leaving the three boys in the aisle of the train.

"Moony." Sirius called his names a few times, Remus turned to see Sirius standing in front of him shielding something.

"What?" He asked, Sirius put his hands on the taller boys waist.

"You got a little problem."

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