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Arsenio's POV

The bastardo knows why Im here and what I want. He has information I need to get for my boss. Luciano, is "the leader of the Italian mafia" I just work along side him as his top assassin.

While I'm not a blood member of the family he treats me as such because we've been best friend since we were kids.
We respect each other and although I don't tell him this he is the only family I truly have and trust.

"Now are you going to tell me what I want to hear rick, or are you just going to keep loosing fingers?" I don't usually do torture I just kill the target and collect payment. But when it comes to Luciano I step in and assist when asked to.

"I-I- don't know anything I swear p-p-please have mercy I have a family." The man begged oh I just love when they beg. As if I'm going to listen. I enjoy what I do.

I take pleasure in punishing and ending the lives of others. I turn to my left and look at Luciano and he begins to speak "now, now Ricky you know I don't like liars. I know you stole information about my shipments and sold it the Russians I'm not stupid."

Luciano was livid and you could hear it in his voice. I on the other hand could care less about his shipments I'm just here for the kill.

"Come on rick the faster we get through this the faster I can put an end to your miserable life." I said it with an all too wide smile just to freak him out more. His eyes told me everything I could read him like a book I knew who he gave the information too, but I wanted to see if he would tell Luciano.

Of course he wouldn't and I was beginning to get bored so I took that as my cue to kill him. I brought out my gun and shot him between the eyes.

Luciano turned to me angrier than ever "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR I NEEDED THE INFORMATION HE HAD YOU FUCKN IDIOT!" My face remained neutral and I didn't say a word I just took a folded piece of paper from my back pocket and handed it to him. He eyed it suspiciously "what the hell is that?" I rolled my eyes.

"Just fuckn take it." He opened it and looked at the messy writing on it. "The Velcouves?" " I shook my head and began to walk away. "How the hell did you get this?" I continued walking and didn't respond. I got to my car and headed to my place. As soon as I walked in I grabbed my other phone I keep in a safe behind the painting in the living room.

As a side job I do freelance as I like to put it. Throughout my whole life I've been building a reputation started when I was born. I was known as the devils son my father was just as bad as me. He raised me to be a cold son of a bitch. I never liked him and don't have fond memories from the beatings to the verbal manipulation I loathed that man with my whole essence.

I killed him when I was 17 so from then on people talk and said I was the "Il mietitore" (The Reaper) I don't like the name much but hey, as long as they fear me and show
respect. I don't care what the hell they call me.

Looking down at the my phone I see 3 new messages from different people stating that they have a "job" for me. The jobs range from kidnapping and bringing said target to a location and collecting money, all the way to just taking out a target. I don't ask questions I just get half now half after then I give them a polaroid picture for proof just to remind them of what they did.

On my phone are 3 different numbers. 2 are asking for kidnappings and 1 is asking to take out a hit. I usually don't meet people in person just for precaution even if they had something planned they wouldn't get far.

So I chose to text back the person that wants a hit taken out those are the quickest and I don't feel like doing much work tonight. The message says they want to take out a 5'6 blue eyed brunette living in the east side apartment 1104.

The Assassin ( Mafia Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now