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Arsenio's POV

*before the wedding this is what he was up to*

I woke up at 6:30Am an hour after Bambi went to get ready for the wedding.

'Holy shit i can't believe I am going to marry the woman that has plagued my mind since the moment I first laid eyes on her'

I got up and got into the shower, I got out shaved and with a grey towel wrapped around my waist I went to my closet to put my Armani suit on, with these cuff links that's Bambi got me, they are heart shaped with an A for Adora and a B for Bambi in the other heart,

I fucking love that woman and our baby, I have a strong feeling it's a boy, I can just feel it, the connection I get when I caress her little bump it's like the electricity I feel when I touch her is heightened tenfold.

That woman has me wrapped around her little delicate fingers and she knows it.

I got ready and headed to my office to check on some last minute work affairs I had to reschedule because of my honeymoon with baby,

'I should get a fuckn assistant for this shït' I roll my eyes getting in and sitting in my leather chair, I saw an email sent from an email I didn't recognize,

It simply said "congratulations Mr. and Mrs.Vera-

'What the hell!?'

No one out of a select few of people know that my last name is even Vera, to everyone in the underworld they Vera famiglia went extinct after I murdered my father.

'Who the fûck is this?'

"Luca- in my office immediately!" I sent his a text and he replied in seconds "on my way"

Seconds later he burst in the door seeming out of breath.
"What up? Having cold feet? Can I weep in?" As soon as he see my stone cold expressions he shuts up and goes to pour us a drink.

"What can I do for you capo?"

"Take a look at this fratello"

He came around the desk and began to read the text presented on the screen.

"Who the fuc-" he had an expression that mirrored mine when I first read it then it switched to complete anger.

"Move, let me see if I can get an IP address." He pushed me and I held back annoyance because the fast he could get to the bottom of this shit the quicker I can make sure my family is safe and get married to my Bambi.

Minutes later he huffed annoyed and plugged a USB drive into my computer.

"The IP bounces off multiple locations every 3 seconds I can't pinpoint shit without my main desktop" I nodded and told him to figure out what he can any way he can, we need to protect our family and my first priority was Bambi and my future child.

"Yeah, I'll definitely let you know what I find before we go to the church"

"Good luck fratello" he nodded and walked out of the room.


Lucas POV

I sat down in my room where my whole software system was, I can get anything done and find anyone or thing on here in less then 10 minutes.

I quickly plugged in the USB and downloaded all the information from the other to here.

I began to track and try to freeze their firewall, after a minute instead of the IP bouncing from continent to continent, every 3 seconds I froze it completely,

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