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Arsenio's POV

We were at the club when I got an emergency call from my team saying that the villa was under attack and we needed to get there now. So I told every man I had to head over to the house to help take care of the problem.

Luciano and I are currently speeding down the forest road to get to the villa. I am hoping Valentina and Adora got into one of the panic rooms safely. Our master bedrooms have panic rooms inside the closet they also are used as weapons rooms. I keep trying to call them but I don't get an answer from any.

Luciano is freaking out speeding down the road but I'm pretty calm because I know Adora can handle herself and will protect Val and her baby.
We speed up to the villa and the front guards are dead so are 7 others outside of the door near the front, they were clearly caught off guard or shot by a sniper.

We run out of the car and go inside slowly going in through the shattered front door I see multiple bodies in the front hall red crimson staining my marble white floors. We both walk up the stairs cautiously then go our separate ways to our rooms.

I sprint down the hall to our room and slow down when I see the door has been kicked in and the doorknob has been shot off listening attentively I can hear a rustling and heavy Russian accented men speaking.

Slightly on edge I walk in to see 3 different men continuing to tear the room apart. I lean against to doorway watching them waiting for them to notice me. After a few minutes they don't seem to realize I'm here so I bring out my gun and shoot the ceiling. They jump back and go for their guns.

"Tsk tsk tsk... this is my home... my room and those-" pointing at the watches in one mans hand. "Are mine." I aim for his left hand holding my belongings and shoot. He screams in agony making me smile in contentment. "Now, before I kill you all I would like to know... WHO SENT YOU!"
The short blue eyed blond haired idiot is the first to speak.

"If- if I tell you, you won't kill me."
He's a young kid maybe 19 dumbass pussy. I slowly nod my head at him.

"It- it was Mr. vel- velcough... they- we were sent to retrieve mis- miss Adamos an- and Mrs. de Santi"

Those fucking bastards want my baby, hell no it's not going to happen in a second I aim at the two other bitches and shoot killing them both instantly their lifeless body's fall to the ground. The idiot ragazzo seems to be less on edge now that I told him I wouldn't kill him. But hey, what kind of monster would I be if I let him live.

Luciano then comes in to the room looking distressed and aims at the kid I look at him and nod "Mátalo" (kill him)

The kid goes wide eyed as if he knows what I said. He pleased and gets on his knees begging.

"Please please you said you wouldn't kill me!"

"I know. But he..." I point to Lucy "didn't say anything about not killing you..." Luciano shoots the kid and he falls lifeless. I react and ask him if he found Val "no they aren't in the safe room."

I nod and make my way to my closet. Seeing loads of shopping bags and their phones I know they have to be in here. Slowly I go to the back hidden door I pull a lever and the door begins to open.

Opening it fully Luciano and I are greeted with our two woman holding up two guns at each hand pointed right at us. As if ready to attack at any moment. We let out a deep breath and calm down Luciano runs to Val and cooes at her stomach then picks her up bridal style and gets out of the room. Hearing her whine from the hallway.

"Ehi, troia che cammina, puoi mettermi giù, dove eri Giuro che non ti lascerò toccarmi!"
(hey bitch i can walk put me down, where were you I swear I am not letting you touch me!)

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