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Adora's POV

2 months later

It's been two months since I ran. I've been moving from state to state. I'm never in one place for more than a week never going to the same place twice.

I change my appearance often.
Just last week I have red hair and blue eyes working at a Starbucks in New Jersey.

The week before I was a strawberry blonde with brown eyes working at a dinner in Philadelphia. I got several piercings just for kicks I suppose. It's been a cycle every week a different state or city. I just can't trust anyone or anything.

I can't help but think I'm being watched. I don't know what's stopping me from being with my family. I guess the kicks of running and knowing he's coming or not gave me a spark to look forward to life again. I guess being kidnapped by a hit man wasn't a whole waist.

Now I'm in New York working in a little bakery. I have platinum blond hair with my green eyes no contacts this time. I got a tattoo on my neck  it's the date of my parents death in Italian.

'nove uno diciassette'

For 2 months I've been looking over my shoulder waiting, watching for HIM to appear. I can't sleep thinking he's going to arrive when least expected.

The money I took was about $10,000 in hundreds. I have never stopped working in different little places. Just to keep the persona up.

Getting up I jump out of bed going to my kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Looking out of the window I stare at the skyline of New York. Im leaving today, going to head to Washington in a few hours after my shift at the bakery just for fun.

I have a boyfriend named Conrad we met in a bar one night and he asked my on a date. I'm leaving and don't feel like explaining to him who I am. Why I'm here I'm just going to disappear as if I never existed.

I get my bag of little belongings I have and walk to my little cooper. I'll be ditching it later anyway. I'm not sure it's safe to keep the same car even.

Driving to the bakery I feel my phone vibrate i park outside of the bakery and see a text from a unknown number


My heart stopped.

I looked around frantically seeing if I could spot anyone ANYTHING.

But looking around I couldn't see a damn thing. Maybe he's fucking with me he doesn't know a thing, does he?

Getting out of my car and acting calm and collected I throw my phone down a water drain and keep walking till I'm inside.

When I walk inside I'm greeted by Greta the owner. She's very sweet. I put my name tag on and clock in.

Finishing up clocking in Greta comes in the back and says

"Pretty boys' out front for you."

My heart stops for the second time today

"Conrad? Honey are you okay you look a little pale."

Forcing a smile I say;

"Im great thanks just woke up a little sick."

Walking out front I see Conrad.
He's a well built guy pretty attractive as well. But just not my type he's a jock and is in collage.

"Hey, lily"
Almost forgot my alias again

" Conrad, hey what are you doing here?"

Giving me a hug he going to kiss me and I reluctantly peck his lips.

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