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Arsenio's POV

I've come to the conclusion that Adora is definitely not a stupid girl who will submit to me. Like every other woman who I've come across.

Before her I had a new lay every other night, or when I was simply stressed.

But after she left all I could focus on was her. She's a beautiful woman from her long sexy tan legs to her cute blue dough eyes. I can't get her out of my head and now that I got her back. I am not letting up especially since the Russians now know about her.

About 4 weeks ago Luciano got a letter addressed to me as they put it his "dog" stating

"Tell your loyal dog Поздравления, keep her safe or we'll have to give her a 'real man'."


It angered me to the core that these imbeciles have the audacity to threaten me and my Bambi which is why I had to finally reveal myself and bring her back. I let her think she had gotten away, let her have her fun and freedom, but now it's time to take Bambi home.

I still have yet to figure out why the hell I seem to be so infatuated with her. She awakens these feelings I've never given any time too. She makes it almost impossible to continue to ignore them.

When I found her hanging over the edge of the damn balcony I was ready to fuck her into submission, but I'd rather wait till she's begging me not to stop. It made me angry that she was ready to risk her neck just to get away from me.

She could have let go and killed herself like she wanted but no she didn't. Something tells me that I have awaken her will to live again. And I like that, but she'll have to live with me. Because I refuse to let her go.

We are in the jet now I had to fight all my instincts to take her against that bedroom wall in the private room in the back of the plane. I'm glad but irritated that we were interrupted by the pilot to get to our seats and buckle in.

She's sitting in her seat across from me wrapped up in a little ball with a black and grey Louis Vuitton blanket. She looks adorable all curled up taking a nap.

We have been on the plane for about an hour we land in another. She decided to shower then found a blanket and fell asleep minutes after getting comfortable.

While I'm on my laptop answering emails and texting Lucy that we are on our way and to tell Val to not worry she came willingly.

I get done and put it all aside. Unbuckling my seatbelt I go to Bambi and scoop her up in my arms. Walking to the back room I feel her curl up into me her head buried in my chest. Opening the door and setting her down on the bed I take my clothes off leaving me in my boxers and lay down next to her I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my chest. She moves around wrapped like a burrito in the blanket trying to get comfortable she soon kicks the blanket off and unconsciously stuffs her head in my chest.

Adora's POV

I woke up to a pleasurable feeling all around my neck. Letting out a few small moans from the feeling of hot open mouth kisses trailing all over. Going down to my chest.

Suddenly registering what is going on I open my eyes and look to see who the culprit is. Looking down I find none other than Arsenio smirking down at me.

"What are you doing?"

He stops for a minute but then continues his assault responding with a

"What does it look like Bambi"

He doesn't stop till I put my hands on his shoulders and push him back. Clearly catching him off guard he falls back and I take that opportunity to get on him and straddle his waist.

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